Chapter 2: Mourn

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(Guys the image is Reniya, I drew her)

Reniya cried and wailed as her throat dried and itch, desperately clinging to her sanity as she tried to calm down, breathing slowly.
It did eventually work as Reniya Whispered a wispy call

"I see you, Kiri. Come out" Reniya simply stated as she eyed her friend.
Kiri looked at Reniya, pouncing at her gently while embracing her into a hug. Reniya exchange the hug while lightly shivering at her friends comfort.
She can't produce anymore tears for it all dried up but the silence enveloping them can tell they're grieving silhouettes.
Kiri can never imagine losing the pain of her mother getting killed, nor she would imagine for it to happen to Reniya.

"Kiri, What day will we bring mother back to Eywa" Reniya stated, stopping herself from sobbing.

"Tomorrow Reniya, you were unconscious for the past 2 days but we know you won't want to miss your own mother's funeral so we waited for you" Kiri replied

"Thank you, Kiri " Reniya forced a smile as she gestured her friend to go home.
The eclipse already passed it's time to send her friend away.


The day of the funeral was as expected sullen, everybody from the Ometicaya clan gathered up as they begin their ritual.
Once every ritual was done, Peyrak The great huntress, and mother of Reniya have become one with Eywa. Resting forever in peace together with the almighty mother.

Reniya looked at her mother's clothes as she kissed it goodbye,looking up to the sky.


A month has passed but it seems that she can't catch a break these days as an operation from the Olo'eyktan that happened a while ago almost caused her to break.
It seemed that Lo'ak and his older brother Neteyam almost got killed in battle.

They were assigned as eyes to look out for battle but they were spotted taking some guns all amidst the chaos, Neteyam as usual take responsibility for it.

Reniya became so agitated that she immediately went to find them, seeing the familiar figure alive, she can't help but sigh with relief.

"Lo'ak you dumbass I know your the one who initiated this, why did you go the battle field?!" Reniya shaked him with a tinge of rage, worry, and relief.

"Stop it.Reniya, I already got a scolding from dad. I don't want to hear it anymore" Lo'ak seemingly pissed walked away leaving her with Neteyam.
Reniya gazed at Neteyam as she saw worse damage than Lo'ak, she can't help but bit her lips in worry.
Seeing her worried eyes Neteyam started reassuring her.

"Oh this wounds?, They're merely scratches don't worry grandmother gave me ointments to treat it with"
Hearing his voice made her weak again, she can't believe he would have this impact on her.

"I know Tsahìk is a great healer but pls be careful, I can't stand seeing you painted with bruises"

"As I said it is merely scratches ma'Reniya don't worry too much, you have to worry about yourself more.
Neteyam smiled, Reniya didn't give him a reply as she made her way out, waving him goodbye.
Neteyam can't help but be disappointed but nonetheless happy that she came to check on them.

Seeing them both alive gave Reniya a sense of tranquil, but seeing Neteyam smile at her gave her butterflies.
She don't wanna get caught smiling thus she made her way out, whilst waving her hand.


She realized with today's event that staying inside the hut won't do her no good, psychically or mentally.
With her mother being dead, she can't stand solitude seeping in her head.
She can't bear to just wait here and do nothing all whilst a war may end up happening.
She can't let Kiri,Lo'ak,tuk and Neteyam to be hurt, she can't let her family die again.
Thus vowing on Eywa with her awakened resolution.
"I vow to you Eywa that as for long as I'll live not one of my family will perish. I am sorry for preventing you on being with them but they're my family and I'm not willing to give them yet"


Another month passed with continues chaos, Reniya fully recovered despite gaining some scars it didn't really affected her life that much.
Despite many people objecting her job she would guard the Ometicaya warriors as she report movements and disturbance within the forest.
The sully children tried rejecting her from working but the partriach Olo'eyktan, Toruk Makto agreed with her request on helping.
Reniya can't help but thank Toruk Makto on heeding her request.

Reniya was patrolling as usual when she saw disturbance in the forbidden part of the forest,the forest Toruk Makto specially enforce not to come in contact with.

Wanting to find the cause she quietly leapt out of her Ikran and made her way towards it. She saw a fellow Na'vi with funny uncomfortable clothing, adrenaline pumped over her body as she whispered.
"Sky people"

Face painted with the blue's Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora