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As the days passed, She had tried her hardest to stay out of the way of Queen Alicent.

Across from her was Helaena, who was doing embroidery. She could tell she was making a beetle.

As she was about to speak up, The door opened, making her head lift to see a timid maid standing in the doorway.

The maid walked in and came closer to the two. Daella looked at Helaena, who put her things down. They both watched the maid come to a stop.

"I have some grave news, Princess." She said, looking at Daella, who stood. "A letter was sent from Driftmark to the King. It appears your father was slain." The maid says, looking down at the floor.

Daella looked at the maid, then Helaena, and hurried out of the room. She made her way to the Kings room. When she opened the door, she found maester's surrounding him.

As he noticed her, he waved them off. He looked at her with sorrowful eyes knowing why she was there. "I am sorry. The letter said they held his funeral last night."

Her eyes widened as she looked at him in disbelief. "And you chose not to tell me!" She yells at him, causing him to sigh. "You had gone through enough."

"I am going to Driftmark." She announced to him, making him shake his hand. "You won't stop me," Daella tells him as he struggles to stand. She turns on her heels and runs from the room.

She walked back to her room and got her guard to follow. He followed her through the castle and then through the city. "Princess, where are you going?"

"Driftmark." She tells him shortly as they walk into the dragon pit. The dragon keepers walk up to her. "Could you saddle up Gaelithox?" She asks, causing two to nod at her.

Soon Gaelithox is brought up from the pit with a saddle on his back. "Thank you." She tells them as they take the leash off the dragon.

She climbs onto the back of her dragon, who roars. "Sōvēs Gaelithox!" She shouts, causing the dragon to jump into action.

She soars through the doors and the air heading toward Driftmark. It was dawn when she finally arrived. She landed Gaelithox and led him to the cave.

She walked out of the cave and toward where he would have been. She stood over the cliff, looking down at where he would now be.

"I knew you'd come." She turned, seeing Princess Rhaenys standing there. "How did it happen?" She asked, walking over to stand beside Princess Rhaenys.

"We found him in the fireplace." Rhaenys looked at her before saying, "Let us go inside. It is quite cold." She tells her before motioning Daella to follow.

Daella takes one last look at the water and then follows her. As they made it in, Rhaenys turned to her, "How long will you be staying?"

"I want to say my goodbye, then take leave." She explained, causing Rhaenys to nod. Rhaenys walked to the girl taking Daella's hands in her own.

"Always send a raven when you think of him." Daella nodded, knowing what she meant. "Of course, it was pleasant to see you, Lady Rhaenys." She says with a faint smile.

"As you." She says before watching as Daella leaves. Daella looks at the water as she returns to the cave.

"Gaelithox." She says, causing the dragon to trot toward her. "Let us get back to Kings Landing." She tells him before climbing onto his back, saying, "Sōvēs!"

When they returned to Kings Landing, it was late into the night. She soared back into the dragon pit and swiftly landed Gaelithox.

The dragon keepers hurried over, and she jumped down from him. She nodded to them before leaving and entering the city.

She hurried her way back to the castle and into her room. As she entered her room, she found Annalie sitting beside her bed. "Let's get you changed."

That night Daella slept in her chambers alone with tear-stained cheeks.


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