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"Mother!" The siblings shouted in unison as they ran toward their parents. "Look," Jace said as they stood next to the pot, holding the egg.

She shared a smile with her mother as Jace opened the pot. "We chose an egg for the baby," Luke told their mother as Daella placed a hand on his shoulder.

"That looks like the perfect one." Their mother said as she was helped to sit down by Ser Harwin. "We let Luke choose," Jace explained, and Luke thanked them softly.

"Not every day an egg leaves the dragon pit, Princess. I thought it best to escort them." Daella smiled as she watched Jace smack Luke's hand away from the burning egg.

"Laenor and I thank you, Commander." "Another boy, I heard." He said, making Daella scoff and causing her mother to smile.

"You'll make a fine Knight." Her father whispered to her new brother. "Might I?" Ser Harwin asked, making Daella share a look with Jace.

"Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey." "Of course." He said before handing the newborn over. "Joffrey, is it?" She felt Luke move past her.

"Father, please may I hold Joffrey?" He replied with a no while they tried to pull him away. "Back to the dragon pit for you two." He said, pushing them out the door.

Daella stood by the door as he closed them. "Why must they always be boys?" She asked her father as he turned to her. He smiled down at her before patting her head.

"One day, you shall have a sister, I promise you." He told her as she scoffed. "Father, can we walk?" She asked as he nodded his head.

"Of course, my darling." He told her softly, holding his hand to her. "How are you and Helaena?" He asked, looking at her with a knowing smile.

"She gave me the most beautiful insect." She told him excitedly as they made it to the gardens. "What was it?" He asked, interested in the new insect.

She always rushed to tell him when Helaena found something new. She would explain it in the best detail she could. From the first moment, Laenor knew his daughter was like him.

He promised himself that day as he watched her with a smile to protect her.

"She told me it was Hymenopus coronatus, also known as a walking flower mantis. Could I show you?" She stopped in her tracks with a wide grin.

"You can show me later tonight, after dinner." He told her, smiling as she kicked a rock. "She joined me this morning in class. She is brilliant at embroidery, but I'm dreadful."

He shook his head, taking her hand, "I'm sure yours was magnificent." Daella shook her head before beginning to explain her and Helaena's embroidery.

He could only hope she would remain this happy. Laenor also hoped when she realized who she was, she would accept it better than he could.

"You should go to Helaena. She visited this morning. She must wish to see you." Her father told her with a smile. "I will."

Laenor patted her head before watching her run away. She hurried into the hall and toward one of the classrooms. "Hel!" She shouted as she pushed the door open.

Her smile fell as she stopped seeing Queen Alicent sitting next to her friend. "Princess Daella, how pleasant to see you." The Queen said, starting to stand.

"My apologies, My Queen. I'll be on my way out?" Daella said, turning to leave, but was stopped by the Queen's voice. "I have to find my brothers," Daella explained, walking out the door.

Her shoulder bumped into someone, and she turned to see Aemond covered in dirt. "Are you alright?" She was quick to ask.

"Like you care." He replied, but it was clear he was close to breaking. Her eyes softened as she watched him turn away and enter the room.

She made her way to Jace's chambers and pushed open the door. "What did you do to him?" She asked, making Jace look at her with a grin.

"He wanted a dragon. We gave him one." He explained, making her rush up to him. "Was it Aegon's idea?" He nodded as he backed away from her.

"It was a harmless jest." He told his sister as her shoulders shrugged. "Mother will call for you." She told him, causing him to sigh, "I know."

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