
"Give it back skxawng!"

"No, I want it!"

"It's mine!"

"I hate you!"

"I hate you to infinity Lo'ak!"

Kiri and Lo'ak were fighting over a toy. Their father and older sister Ti'Ywan who were sitting near them found it amusing until...

"It's mine you penis face!"

Jake's ears perked up and his smile was gone. He turned to them and stopped the fight.

"Hey! That's enough!"

Ti'ywan laughed when they jumped, getting scared by their father's shout. She was making arrows because father promised to finally teach her how to use a bow. Excited, she didn't think about it and made way too many.

"Ywanie, you don't need that many, you're not going out to fight a war"

He chuckled and ruffled her long braided black hair. She giggled and playfully attacked his hand. He handed her her new bow and she squealed with excitement. After admiring the bow, she gave him a hug and attempted to pull him up.

"Come on daddy, let's go!"

Jake picked her up and sat her down on his shoulders before leaving Lo'ak, Kiri and Spider with Neytiri who was resting nearby with their youngest daughter Tuktirey.

"Hey, wait up. I want to go too!"

Neteyam ran after them. Jake turned around and offered his son his left hand.

"Alright, but you'll be only watching, you're too young still, your sister had to wait too"

"Yes dad"

They went to a small pond nearby which was full of fish, a target easy enough for the girl. He put her down and she skipped over closer to the pond, careful not slip on the wet rocks. She took the bow from her back and her father handed her one of her arrows. She took it and put it to her bow before pulling the string and aiming.

Jake crouched down to her and gently corrected her posture.

"Take a deep breath and release when you think it's right"

Before she was able to shoot the fish she was eyeing her father grabbed her and ran to Neteyam, grabbing him as well. Then she heard a growl and looked over to the other side of the pond. It was a Thanator and it was ready to jump over there and attack them. Jake called out to his mate to warn her before he threw the two children up onto a tree. The Thanator attacked him and he barely dodged. He instructed the children to climb higher when he jumped up to them. Ti'ywan did so quickly and Neteyam followed after her but the branches on the trees near the pond were slippery from the humid environment and he slipped.


Ti'ywan yelled out when she saw him fall and tumble down to the pond, jumping off as well. She ran to him and hid him behind her as she grabbed her bow that was left by the pond when her father spotted the danger earlier.

Jake jumped down onto the the creature's back when he realised his children were in danger and attacked it with his knife, trying to get through its armour.

Meanwhile Ti'Ywan aimed steadily at the Thanator and took a deep breath like her father told her to. Then when the creature was trashing around, trying to get Jake off it's back, she released the arrow. It let out a yelp as the arrow hit one of its eyes. Ti'ywan quickly grabbed Neteyam by his hand and ran away with him while they could. Then she helped him up a tree, high enough so it wouldn't get to them.

When Jake saw his children safely up in a tree, he climbed back up as well and waited for the beast to leave. It left soon after it got the arrow out of its eye.

"Ti'ywan! Neteyam! Are you both okay?!"

He yelled across the river as he climbed higher to cross over to them on the intertwining branches.

"We're okay daddy, Neteyam is just a bit bruised from the fall"

The girl checked out her brother's condition while he was holding back tears from the shock. Soon their father was back together with them. He gave them a tight hug and took them home where Neytiri furiously checked if they were okay before hugging them to death.


A/N: Hello, welcome to my new story! I've recently watched the new avatar twice and I've been obsessed with it. No, like really, I have the bead song stuck in my head 24/7 for three days now, so to combat this, I decided to write a story. I felt it was such a shame we didn't see much from the Sully's childhood, so I wanted to give my story some extra moments between the children and parents. The picture above is what Ti'ywan looks like at 17 years old which is the age she'll be when the story begins (16 years after the sky people return). I really love how the picture turned out BC the ai generator was a pain in the ass and it took me several hours plus I still had to edit it cause it wasn't perfect. If you think the timeline doesn't add up, you're absolutely right! I changed it a bit to that the sky people return not after 13 years as originally but 16.

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