Jennie put her phone on her chest, looking up at the ceiling with a smile she couldn't seem to fight. She felt pumped, excited, more alive than she had ever thought possible. All the worries of her life had been muted and all there was to know about was this moment. No worrying about the past, no anxiety about the future. Getting to hang out with Jisoo like this made her feel happy, even though they were just friends.

With a bright smile on her face, Jennie took another peek at her text messages and sighed in relief, before placing her phone on the black, wooden nightstand. She liked having to sleep without the world and worries on her shoulders. She felt more relaxed than usual, given that she spent two years feeling like complete ass. She didn't expect to be this calm and relaxed and happy now, but she liked it.

The next morning Jennie slept in late until around twelve in the afternoon. She woke up light with a calm demeanor as she walked in her condo, preparing herself for the day. The only thing that motivated her was that she would be spending time with Jisoo today. Or possibly, at least. She hasn't really confirmed it yet, unfortunately.

The brunette spent the rest of her day laying on the couch with her two dogs, Kuma and Kai, watching The Office. It wasn't exactly the ideal afternoon someone would spend, but it certainly fitted Jennie's routine. She didn't have anything else to do other than to get ready for fair which was in about three hours. She barely even watched the television. She spent most of her time listening to the background noise of the TV show while occupying herself with her smart phone scrolling through whatever or playing games. She liked rereading text messages, especially when it was with Jisoo. She found it sweet that she would text her late at night until one of them falls asleep. Though, the brunette wished that she could talk to her forever.

When the time came, Jennie mustered up all her strength and prepared herself for the fair. She straightened her hair, brush her teeth, and throw on a long, plaid coat.

She rushed out of her condo building excitedly, planning to meet Lisa and Rosé at the fair's location which was near the river and bridges of Seoul. It was an annual fair and Jennie had went many times a few years back, always for the same reason; hitting on girls and enjoying the rides. But it was for a different reason now. She wanted to spend time with the girl she liked and wanted nothing more.

Though, it has been a bit worrying that Jisoo hasn't texted her back yet to confirm if her was going or not, but she drove to the fair anyways, knowing that Rosé and Lisa are probably waiting. She sent a quick text to Jisoo asking if she was going and that if she needed to pick her up.

When Jennie reaches her destination, she felt her heart gradually sink to her stomach when she doesn't see a notification from Jisoo yet. Jennie his her look of disappointment on her face as soon as she spotted Lisa and Rosé standing at the line of the ticket booth. The brunette put her phone in her pocket and ran up to them with a smile.

"Hey, guys," Jennie says, smiling at the two while putting her hands into the pockets of her coat.

"Hey, where's Jisoo?" Rosé asks curiously, expecting the other girl to be with her already.

"Uh, she hasn't texted back yet, but she said she might come, though," the brunette informs her, still having hope that she would be able to make it.

"Oh, she's probably getting held up at the studio or something," Lisa shakes her head, "Now, you're gonna be a third wheel."

"Hey!" Jennie slaps her arm playfully, "She might still come. Don't jinx it."

Lisa laughs at her and grabs a hold of her wife's hand, searching for warmth between her fingers, "Come on, it's our turn."

Lisa and Rosé walk ahead of Jennie and towards the front of the line, paying for their tickets first. Jennie sighs and walks after them, paying for two tickets just in case Jisoo would arrive. Stepping away from the booth, Jennie looks down at her two tickets and pouts slightly, hoping that Jisoo would make it. She's been looking forward for this since last night and she almost couldn't sleep because of the excitement in her system. So, she put the extra ticket into her pockets and followed Rosé and Lisa around.

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