Chapter 7.

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Snow POV.

I'm sitting in my room crying my room completely covered in frost and snow flakes surrounding me.

I hear knocking and I see Agatha and Tedros.

Snow“ *sniffs* I wanna be alone guys.

Agatha“ How did you-.

Tedros“ Aggie not now anyway *looks at Snow* Are you ok?

Snow“ No I'm not my Dad always puts his work before me and it's all cause I look like my mother and have her stupid powers.

I stand up and grab the staff and it turns into a bracelet.

Snow“ You know I don't even just have my mother's magic I have many more of my ancestors magic like fire earth and many more.

Tedros“ Woah that's cool-.

Snow“ Except my mother hates anything that's not ice or snow she even hates that I can turn into a doll or switch people's souls into dolls.

Agatha“ But your mother seemed so happy seeing you.

Snow“ Well she's my mother she does love me she just hates my father.

I notice Hester coming in and she glares at Agatha and Tedros she grabs my hand and starts leading me out of my room.

Snow“ Where are you taking me?

Hester“ I'm cheering my girlfriend up.


Hester“ Well now we are I like you even if you are an ever now let's go cheer you up.

*In the forest*

I'm staring at the lake in confusion and I stare at Hester with confusion.

Snow“ I don't get it.

Hester“ Let your emotions out.

Snow“ *shocked* I can't do that-.

Hester“ You gotta quit holding your emotions in now *gets behind tree* LET IT OUT!

Snow“ *sighs* Ok um I guess I always feel like I don't belong to the School of Good.

The wind begins to pick up.

Snow“ My Father was a student for the School of Good and my Mother for School of Evil and I guess me gaining more of my mother's side I would've got put in Evil.

A small fire forms around my feet and the water begins to frost.

Hester“ And keep going.

Snow“ And my parents don't even look at eachother anymore ever sense I wanted to do something that doesn't involve neither of them *glares* AND I EVEN WELCOME DEATH TO TAKE ME BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

The lake freezes and lighting hits the tree knocking down and the fire rises and my entire look changes.

My dress now mixed with each element and my shoes are ice and my hair is black on the right half.

Hester“ Nice look doll.

Snow“ Closed off.

I feel my heart going cold and my emotions disappearing I look at Hester who looks at me with shock.

Snow“ *emotionless* Now I can't feel nor care what happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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