Chapter 6.

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Snow POV.

My mother is supportive of gay rights who knew.

Hester wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek my mother glares.

Mom“ Anyway darling I brought you something *snaps fingers*.

A gnome walks towards me with a bug present.

I open it and gasps.

Mom“ *claps* Well you like it!? I thought you would want it now sense you'll be turning 16 soon!

Mom“ *claps* Well you like it!? I thought you would want it now sense you'll be turning 16 soon!

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*You can imagine the staff*

I carefully pick it up and stare at it with amazement.

Mom“ Now I shall be going and I want at least one letter once every week *looks at Hester* And you!

Hesters face turns to fear huh who knew she could be scared.

Mom“ Hurt my only child I shall freeze you that Hansel's and Gretel's oven won't thaw you out!

She disappears into multiple snowflakes.

I sigh and I look at the staff.

Hester“ Your mother is very welcoming.

I notice a gift and I open it and it's a two toy fairies they begin to dance in the air and I smile.

The wings connect and they say something.

I'm sorry dear I won't be
Able to visit today.

Love Papa.

Hester POV.

I stare at Doll her eyes showing sadness.

Hester“ Doll are you ok?

I reach for her hand but she walks off a trail of frost following her.

Hester“ Snow?

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