Chapter 2.

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Snow POV.

It's finally Holiday which means 5 weeks of no school I am sitting with my stack of books.

I hear cackling and I look to see Hester and her gang she laughs more wickedly until her eyes land on me.

Oh no I gotta pack my books-.

Hester“ Well well hello doll.

She walks towards me and I begin to look around for help but no one is near by.

Hester“ Didn't I tell you girls she's quite something.

Dot“ Wasn't your mother responsible for freezing an entire village!?

She's super hyper.

Snow“ Well yes-.

Dot“ Why would an evil ice witch Daughter be a princess? Shouldn't you be evil?

Snow“ Well I-.

Hester“ Aw she's stuttering do the big bad witches scare you?

They start laughing and I begin to back away but Hester grabs my wrist and laughs.

Hester“ Aw aren't you going to freeze us!? OH WAIT YOUR MOTHER WOULDN'T DARE TEACH A FAILURE-.

I scream and a tiny wall of snow gets between us and I look at them with fear.

Hester“ *glares* You little-.


I drop to the ground and I am in my doll form.

Hester“ *cackles* How interesting.

Hester POV.

I pick the doll up and look at it with a wicked smile oh I plan to do such wicked things.

We enter our dorm and I place the doll on my bed and my friends head out I laugh wickedly.

She turns to normal and grab her wrist and pin her down.

Hester“ Doll.

She begins to struggle and I notice her eyes beginning to well up with tears.

I scoff and get off her and grab a cigarette from my cupboard.

I light it and take a small inhale I blow it in Doll's face and she starts to cough.

Hester“ *smiles* How cute.

Snow“ Um I'm going home-.

I grab her wrist.

Hester“ The dorms are closed til tomorrow morning if you noticed it's 8pm.

Snow“ Then where will I-.

Hester“ I'll be kind enough to let you lay with me *smiles*.

Her Little Doll.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu