Chapter 11

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The Marine battleships surrounded us and the announcer even listed off all our names showing they know where each and every one of us are.

"They are coming to take Robin and Juno." Zoro informed us as he pushed me into the middle of the group while the rest got ready to fight.

"My angel, I ask for your permission to leave you under these idiot's protection. I will be making sure we can escape." Sanji gave me a sweet smile as he took my hand in his and I nodded.

"Stay safe." I asked, and he pushed some of my free hair behind my ear.

"I will for you." He reassured me and just disappeared amazing me with his speed.

"How about breaking their ships?" Franky asked me.

"Too big, I can't faint now." I shook my head. "Luffy needs someone to collect him if he faints."

"Hey, look." Sogeking pointed out Luffy who had steam coming off him as he faced off against Lucci.

"Luffy!" I yelled. "Robin is safe!"

He looked over at us. "We all got to the bridge safely!" Franky added. "You just need to defeat him!"

"Defeat him, Luffy!" Zoro added.

"Come on my captain!" I exclaimed. "I wanna leave this place with you and everyone else!"

Luffy just nodded at us with a smile on his face making me grin. "Now, we just need to hold out." Zoro informed us.

"Stay close to us Juno." Franky ordered as we saw many Marines standing on the railings of the battleships surrounding us and they are staring down at us.

"Those ranked Lieutenant Commander or below, stay put! To the two hundred elite Captains and Commanders, go take them out quickly!" The announcer ordered.

"They are in the same class as that smoke freak!" Sogeking freaked out.

"Swords! I order you to follow my will!" I yelled making two that belonged to some of the Marines fly up to the sky making everyone look up. The sails of the ships all around us except for our own started to fall.

"Oi, you b-!" One went to yell at me.

"That's not the end, and why are you complaining? You think you can win, right? Then try." I grinned as the two swords came down from the sky and floated along just above the railings of their ships to cut them up. Some people got cut down while the rest jumped into the sea or down onto the bridge to dodge and Zoro took out the ones who got near us.

"So you do have some worth to be on this crew." Zoro smirked.

"Oi, she has plenty of worth!" Franky yelled at him.

"Why did you taunt them?!" Sogeking cried.

"You don't want their attention, right? I will try my best." I laughed nervously. "And they are assholes."

"You are an angel!" He screamed.

"How did you know?!" I freaked out.

"Let's go!" One of the captains yelled and they all cheered loudly.

"Bring it on already!" Zoro demanded while the others noticed that Sanji had disappeared. "Everyone hold your ground until Luffy is with us!"

The most beloved lady // various x oc (One Piece)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin