Chapter 1

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I wish to be loved, to be cared for, to have someone I could love...I think I wished way too many times since that wish got granted more than once. I eventually had so many people who loved me, and I loved them back.

I'm really glad all my wishes were heard.

And also, most of them are really hot, so I won! Something...

There was also one more thing I wanted, something that everyone loves, revenge and this was the start of that to.

It all started about two years ago when I gained the first little bit of my freedom. I slowly met most of the people that I love the most in the world.

I was actually being dressed by people and they looked terrified at first. I was ordered to have a mask cover my face which helped calm them somewhat as they dressed me.

It was dark for me since the mark didn't have any eye holes. I felt them quickly put clothes on me then they took the mask off from behind me and put on what I have always worn.

"Open your eyes, pet." One of the people I have been around for what is probably my entire life spoke up.

I opened them to see myself in a mirror.

I have been put in a puffy and elegant white dress that fell to my knees. I was shocked to see my hair was actually white. I thought it had been grey this entire time, but one of my various masters said they had ordered the maids to have it washed for the first time.

They just threw water on me and then tried to strangle my hair? It was weird.

I noticed my dress was very light since it didn't weigh much at all and I had white slip-on shoes. My hair is tied up in a high ponytail, which is very tight. There is a metal band of black flowers going around the top of my head with thorns that hurt me even when I slightly move my head.

A white veil was attached to the front and goes down to just below my chin. There were three little chains of gold attached to the bottom, middle and top of the veil and they go all around my head and neck to either side.

I panicked a little when I saw my blanket wasn't anywhere in my sight and I then saw he had it. He was holding it out in front of him to show he found it disgusting and dirty.

"You want it?" He smirked then went to rip it, and I fell to my knees into a begging pose as I have done for my whole life.

I slammed my head to the floor stabbing the metal thorns into my head and drawing blood. It dripped down my nose leaving a warm feeling, but I didn't move. "Very obedient, take it. I don't need your trash here."

He threw it in front of me, and I grabbed it, but he stepped on my hand and I stopped moving. He stomped on my hand as hard as he could, but it did nothing. He tried a couple more times and just made himself out of breath, it sounds like he was going to die any second.

Pathetic as usual and even the maids were giving him a look of pity instead of me since it was just sad.

He stopped and then slapped the maids as he knew what their reactions would be before even looking at them. I picked up the blanket and put it around my arms as a kind of shawl.

It was very old, and it showed with its colour that has dulled over the years. It used to be a bright gold, but now it's just a dark yellow.

The most beloved lady // various x oc (One Piece)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat