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"What do you mean?" Colby asked confused.

"She's moving with me- isn't that enough?" He asked.

"It's just a start, there's few more things we need to talk about." Sam said.

excuse me, did he said FEW

"What is it?" I asked. Sam looks at us seriously.

"You can't flirt, kiss or sleep with anyone else during this time, If someone catches you 'cheating' it could risk everything." He said, Colby hesitate for a moment, but then he nods.

"Well, that should be no problem." He said.

"Good, and you, y/n?" Sam said looking at me. I almost laughed.

"No problem." I said.

"Great!" Sam said checking his phone and rising his finger in the air, not even glancing up.

"I'll let you two talk things through, I'll see you later." And just like that, he walks away.

I turned to Colby and he's staring at me like i'm impossible to figure out.

"Are you sure you'll be able to do this?" I asked.

"Why?" He said.

"Well, you're not exactly known to stick with one girl." I said raising my eyebrows at him.

"Like in every magazine I've ever read about you, you always have a different girl around your arm." I said to him.

"That may be true, but that doesn't mean I hooked up with all of them." He said.

"So, just a few then?" I asked smiling. He chuckles and shakes his head at my comment.

Suddenly, there's a shift in his eyes.

His gaze is burning me up, and he places his thumb on his lower lip as he scrutinizes me.

"How about you, then?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" My voice comes out shy and a bit breathless.

"You're beautiful, young, smart..." He said smiling.

"And you'll certainly be the center of attention now, seeing you inspired a famous bachelor to settle down." He continued. I could feel my cheeks turn pink.

He really thinks that?

"Uh- no, I really don't think that will be happening." I said.

"Come on, it's true." He smiled.

"Oh really." I said.

"And how exactly did I catch the attention of this famous bachelor?" I asked.

"With your beautiful smile, of course." He smiled again.

"The minute I saw you, I couldn't help but want you." He said looking at me.

"Hmh, you mentioned something like that to the journalists." I smile at him, sarcastic.

"Didn't gave them all the details." He said. His eyes are provoking me. I know this isn't real, we're playing pretend, keeping ourselves amused until we go our separate ways.

But something sparks inside me, and I feel extremely hot. His gaze is all over me, my body, tingling with excitement. I want his to touch me, to feel how much I'm burning for him.

"So...what did you do to get my attention?" I asked.

"Simple, I seduced you." He smiled.

"How?" I asked. He smirks.

you make me lose control, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt