Battle of Tsushima

Start from the beginning

The two granny's turn a little red, Avrora had a shy yet prideful face while Mikasa had a really prideful expression

"Well.. Mikasa did say the battle was legendary, and that humans were still alive at the time..." Nagato says wondering why the two nations fought, she knew the battle history but not the reasons on why the war started in the first place

"I remember those times where humans still roamed the world.. until those sirens came and..." Avrora says with sadness and anger, but she didn't finish her sentence but just sighed instead

"Sorry.." Avrora says with sadness

"It's fine.. I know the feeling as well" Mikasa says lowering her head as the shipgirls look at them in sympathy

The video starts

"They were designed to be the best, they met enemies face to face, endured tragedies and enjoyed victories.. they went down in history due to the bravery of their crews... they are ships that deserved to be called.. Naval Legends" The speaker says as multiple pictures of battleships are shown, when that's over the title too is shown

"Naval Legends: Battle of Tsushima"

The shipgirls now pay attention while Mikasa and Avrora wonder how the historical accuracy will be presented

Mikasa's battleship is shown in a dock where.. strange buildings are seen in the backround. Avrora's ship is shown next which is also in dock.

"Living heroes of Tsushima" The speaker says as the insides of the ships were shown

"In a Japanese town, Yokosuka, 62 miles away from Tokyo, Battleship Mikasa is permanently anchored, and four thousand marine miles away from her, cruiser Avrora is anchored in one of the quays of the Neva River in St. Petersburg" The speaker say as the two ships are shown again, with their nations flag in the front of the bow

"Judging by those strange buildings.. it seems our granny's here are museum ships in the possible future" Columbia says as the two old women had prideful smiles

"Although these ships belong to different types, and their stories are very different, there is a common moment in their biography, and that is both ships participated in a major naval battle, the Battle of Tsushima. That was the culmination of the Parlia-Sakuranese War in the beginning of the 20th century." The speaker states as the video feed explores both ships

Fletcher and Avrora are amazed at the video feed, their current video feed is just white, grey, and black but the future video feed they're seeing is fully colored

"In 1868, the Sakura Empire entered a modernization period called the Meiji Restoration. In the same year, the Imperial Sakura Empire Navy was formed, showing that the Sakura Empire was now vying for naval dominance in the region. Lacking industrial capacity, the Sakura Empire relied on the Royal Navy in the development of a modern navy."

(To think we relied on another superpower once, now look at us.) Mikasa thought

"European superpower Northern Parliament was also eager to increase its prescene in the Pacific. It has strong navies in the Baltic and black seas, but lacked a base in the East. In 1860, Northern Parliament acquired Vladivostok from Dragon Empery and turned it into a naval base in 1871. The superpower also started building the Trans-Siberian railroad to link Moscow with Vladivostok in 1891. Although Vladivokstok was in a prime position to exert naval power, it wasn't a warm water port which Northern Parliament desperately needed."

"In 1895, the Sakura Empire defeated Dragon Empery and occupied the Liaodong Peninsula, where a warm-water seaport, Port Arthur was located. This port was very important for the Northern Parliament, and together with European nations, Northern Parliament used military and political pressure to make the Sakura Empire renounce that peninsula, and later signed a contract of lease of that territory with China for 25 years and the superpower finally gained a warm water port which humiliated the Sakura Empire" Yuriy Kruchkov, a historical consultant says

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