Small Wins.

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Winter came early.

Sitting in the back of the cab feels like the only time I could enjoy music. Because I could never be the girl who plugs in her earphones and walk around ignoring the outside world. Sanskaar I tell you. It's the only time the Spotify subscription felt worth it.

First year of my bachelors was hectic. English literature has always been the one subject that has been my interest and aptitude. Full marks on a career counsellors test. I love the subject but sometimes it felt  like I was going to get trapped. Trapped in a world of 9 to 5. And I know I am not made for that. Maybe because my father always told me it's because I have a wavery mind. Because I am an Aquarian.

And I know I am weird because I feel proud to be an Aquarian. I can blame all my quirks and flaws on the positioning of the stars.

The guard at the college gate always annoys me. She should know my face by now, every morning asking for my ID card is  getting on my nerves. It's not like I want to come to college at 8:30 in the morning, why would I come here otherwise.

I feel like I have wasted my five precious years in this college, gaining no extra knowledge at all. The reason I enrolled was because of a sudden gained passion for the subject of psychology. Maybe I'll become a criminal psychologist dealing with hardened criminals, a dream I conjured after watching too many true crime documentaries and eating up all the Wikipedia pages of serial killers. 

Now at the last stage of the journey I don't know where I stand. My philosophy has always been to 'go with the flow'. Because I know if I start thinking, I overthink and that would be disastrous given the personality I have. I straight away would go into doomsday mode and may never come out. 

So right now, I will just put my earphones in, pretend to listen to a song and walk through the main gate with a straight face ignoring the guard. In that moment, that would be a win.

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