"Damn you stubborn. Can I have your number?"

I handed her my phone cause I felt like  she wasn't gonna give up. "Here"

She entered her number in and texted herself. When she handed me my phone back she smirked. didn't know why until I looked at the contact name.
"Daddy👅" I looked up and gave her the "really" looked.

"What? You'll be calling me that soon"

"Bye Toni" I rolled my eyes turning to walk until I was grabbed by my arm forcing me to turn around .

"Let me pay for your stuff "

"No I got it" I said pushing my cart forward .

"Janet I'm not asking " technically she did.

"Take ya ass up there so I can pay for them"  that made me shiver a little bit dang.

"Okay fine" I think she noticed cause she smirked.

We walked to the checkout and I put the stuff in the thing and I was bout to bag the stuff when she stopped me.

"Uhn uhn what is doing?  this they job . Ayee y'all come bag this shit up" she is so rude.

"I could've done it Toni it's not that many groceries." I crossed my arms and looked at her. She just stayed silent and watch them bagged my stuff up.

We walked to the parking lot she followed me to the car and placed my groceries inside.

"Bye Toni " I said getting in my car.

"Alright sexy , I'll text you later" she smiled and walked away. She knows damn well she ain't gonna text me. I pulled off heading back home.

Pulling up I seen my sister car parked in the driveway . I got out the car and grabbed the groceries from the trunk. Walking in I heard laughter and loud talking.

"DUNCKKK" rebbie yelled coming over to me.

"Hi sissy" I smiled. I always been closer to rebbie than my other siblings.

"Girl what took you so long ? " my mother asked while taking the groceries out my hand.

"Sorry I got caught up with a friend " I sat my keys and jacket down going to wash my hands.

"Is this friend a boyfriend?" Rebbie said smirking.

"Oh please Janet doesn't have  time for a boyfriend she needs to focus on her studies." Mother said.

"Mom you gonna make that girl become a nun"

"All she needs to worry about is being the next congresswoman " my mom always wants me to be in the White House.

"Anyway no it wasn't a boy it was a girl I met a while a go"

"You gay?" My mom head popped up.

"Mom leave me alone please " rebbie laughed.

"Well ether way you don't have time for nether."I just rolled my eyes and walked away i just wished I had a say on my own life .

We finally done eating. we sat around talking mostly about me and school cause that's all they care about goddamn is y'all making the grades or me. Anyways me and my sister was in the kitchen cleaning up.

"Hey reebs " I spoke.

"Yes dunk" she turned and looked me.

"How do you know if someone likes you" she looked at me with wide eyes. I've never talked about stuff like this cause it never happened.

"Does someone have a crush on my little sister " she gasped.

"I think so " i scrunched my nose up.

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"Well that's the thing he's a girl .." she gasped again. So extra.

"Well I think she intersex I'm not sure yet."

"Well whatever that means . What makes you think she likes you ?"

"Well I met her at a party" she had wide eyes "yes I went to the party but anyways she kept calling me sexy and looking at me so I thought she just wanted me for my body long story short she got on my nerves the whole party and plus she kept cursing and you know I hate that. " she hummed in response.

"But then at Nikki party I was in the kitchen and this guy from school came up to me like really close up to me and before he can even do anything she came and snatched him up and scared him away. Luckily cause who would've know what could've happened "

"And then today when I was at Walmart I saw her again long story short she put her number in my phone and payed for my groceries. But I just don't wanna get my hopes up that someone actually have taken a liking into me you know? "

"Janet if she wants to get to know you she'll text you don't stress yourself about it. Okay "

"Okay " we finished up the kitchen and I went upstairs to get ready for bed.

Cutting on the shower I removed my clothes in hopped in, I didn't plan on staying in for that long so I washed up and hopped out and dried off . As I went to lotion up my phone dinged. Oh my god I'm scared to look.

I turned my phone over and chile bye it was Nikki sending me a TikTok.

Bestie🤞🏾💕~ girl let's try this.

I didn't even bother responding getting my head all hyped . I pulled my covers back and got in the bed turning the tv on .

As I watching "a different world" for the fifth million time. I started to doze off.

Then my phone dinged off.

Daddy👅~ hey mamas you thought I forgot about you."  I really gotta change her name.

Excuse any errors or mistakes

On the Southside with you Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin