Chapter 11

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Luna Pov
"We're home" my father said. I'm floored by the beauty before me. I have never seen such a house before. I'm sure this is a castle like the ones I've seen in the picture books.

I also take note of the many strong looking men in matching black clothes that surrounded the house. I feel my heart beat speed up and I shrink within the seat I'm feeling scared to get out or even move.

Everyone is out of the car except for me. I'm slightly panicking while they unload the car sitting the wheelchair outside ready for me to climb on.

"Alight bambina we're going to - Luna are you alright"? My father asked me with a worried look.

Before I knew it everyone was around the car trying to peek inside. I don't get why they are always like this? I took another look outside the car window my eyes searching all over the yard at the men in black.

"Bambina you don't have to worry about those guys they work for us and they are here to protect everyone" my father said trying to coax me out of the car.

I was extremely weary of the situation my paranoia started to get the best of me. I start to think that I have become too comfortable with these men. I have let my guard down too soon now they are trying to trick me.

I could feel my body trembling as I thought of all the ways they could hurt me. Everything they have done up until now is all a lie! Before I could think anymore my brothers crowded the car looking inside and I could have sworn that their eyes were red and they had become monsters trying to devour me.

"AHHHH NOOO STAY BACK! DON'T COME HERE"! I hollered out waving my hands out in front of myself trying to shoo them away.

I'm so scared I can't stop my body from trembling or the tears that run down my cheeks.

Red eyes are all I can see these same eyes are exactly like Robbie's! I thought they were different how come they have red eyes too?! I could feel something wet forming underneath me.

Oh no! I'm for sure dead this time I've ruined their expensive car! I haven't done something like this in a long time. When I was around twelve years old Robbie would hurt and scare me so badly that I couldn't hold it in. Many many nights I woke up covered in sweat realizing I've made a mistake on my thin sheet.

When I made these accidents it would just intensify his anger ten fold. I didn't know what to expect from my father or brothers. Would this send them over the edge as well? They have been showing a  "nice" side until now. Yet I can't help but wait for the other shoe to drop and they turn into the monsters I know they are.

"Lu..Lun..LUNA"! I hear someone calling out my name.

My eyes spring up and I stare at my father and brothers whose faces are pale and white.

"Luna, bambina, no one is going to hurt you here I promise princess please come out" my father pleads with me.

Their eyes.. are normal again. I see worry and pain etched across all their faces. I don't want to move because once they find out about my accident these worried gazes will turn into murderous ones.

"I- I- I'm sorry" is all I could muster out too embarrassed and ashamed of my actions.

"No need to apologize amore you never have to apologize, okay"? Mattia said as he shoved father aside trying to get a better view of me.

"That's right Luna, never apologize because you did nothing wrong". Gio said as he shook his head side to side.

"Do you need help getting out princess"? My dad asked.

"No...yes.. I..had an accident" I said with a low hanging head and a trembling voice. I can't believe I've shown even more of a disgusting side to them I will for sure be hated for this.

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