And with that, the boy nodded and walked off. Bentley grabbed the book he had in his bag, flipping through the pages until he found the spot he had left off on.

Some people use books as an escape from the world, and he knew why people did. For him, books weren't just an escape; they were a way of living.

The same boy from earlier dropped off Bentley's coffee and as he took his first sip the bell of the door rang, Thomas walking through the front of the cafe.

Thomas was a man who happened to grab everyone's attention once he walked into a room, no matter the circumstances. He just had that natural attraction to him.

In a full suit and with a walk that had a purpose behind it and the intense emotion behind his dark blue eyes.

He always stood tall and proud, never letting anybody see past the outside version of him. It was something Bentley admired about him.

Bentley didn't demand attention once he walked into a room. He was quiet all around, even with the way he dressed. He never really liked that type of attention. That's what made them so different.

Bentley smiles, getting up to greet Thomas as he reaches the table. "Hey, Tom. How have you been?" he shookThomas's hand.

"I've been good, swamped with work. You know, the usual." Thomas responds, both of them taking a seat.

"How long has it been since we last saw each other?" Bentley asks, closing his book and putting it to the side.

"About two or three years ago. It's been a while." Thomas answers, looking around for an employee.

"How is Flore? I heard you guys had a baby." Bentley asked, spotting the boy who had served him coffee and waved for him to come over.

"She's good The first few months were exhausting for her. I tried to help when I had the chance, but work has been extremely rough." He finishes.

"You didn't take paternity leave?" Bentley poses, as the boy walks up to their table.

"Sorry to interrupt, but is there anything you'd like to drink, sir?" The boy inquires.

"Yes. An espresso, please." Thomas responds.

"Thank you," Bentley tells the boy before he walks away.

"So, what were you saying?" Thomas probes, leaning back in his chair.

"I asked if you took paternity leave," Bentley says, taking the final sip left of his coffee.

"No, I didn't. We couldn't have both of us go on paternity leave. And since she's the one having the baby, of course, she took it, and I stayed working." Thomas expressed a hint of what seemed like sadness washed over his expression but quickly disappeared as if it hadn't happened.

"Yeah, of course, but wow, that must have been intense for you guys," Bentley adds. At that moment, all he could think about was his wife even though he had hung up not more than 20 minutes ago.

Her beautiful silky long brown hair and her breathtaking smile. The way her hazel eyes sparkled when she looked at him.

Recently, she's had this motherly glow to her. It made him feel like the luckiest man in the world to be around the most gorgeous woman to walk this earth.

His love for her was like no other. Bentley's heart wasn't fully beating if he wasn't with her. His whole world revolved around her, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Bentley pulls his phone out of his pocket, sending a quick message to his wife as Thomas continues to talk in front of him.

"Enough about me; how's that job I heard you got a while back? How's it going?" Thomas asks, snapping Bentley out of his head and putting his phone away.

"Um, great actually. I love what I'm doing now but I do miss my students and teaching here. I should visit the University again." Bentley explains.

Thomas looks away from Bentley. "What is it that you're doing? I'm going to assume it has something to do with literature. Since you could never stop babbling about how much you wanted to become a writer after teaching," Thomas says.

Bentley lets out a laugh before shaking his head. "Yes, you are correct. I am writing, and I have only babbled a few times about it."

"Oh no, you were always talking about how much you wanted to be a writer, and if it wasn't that, it would be about Victoria. How is she, by the way? I heard you guys got married this past year." Thomas asks, lifting a curious brow.

"Yes, we did; we had a small wedding just with family. She didn't want anything big, and neither did I, so we went for something small. I sent you an invite I'm assuming you never saw it? We are also expecting now." Bentley reveals.

"I did not receive the invitation, no, you know if I did I would've flow over in an instant. And congratulations on the baby, that's amazing; do you know the gender?"

"Yes, it's a little girl; we are expecting her in a few months."

"Wow, so Vicky is almost done with her pregnancy. I can't believe this." Thomas says, and Bentley nods, letting out a laugh.

"How's everything with you? How's that big project of yours?" Bentley ask.

"The golf club? Well, I have the floor plans and everything I need. But we just don't have the right amount of funding. And I can't pay for it, so right now it's just a faraway dream of mine."

"Oh wow, why a golf club? If you don't mind me asking?" Bentley questions.

"My grandfather always dreamed of owning his own. And my grandfather died without achieving his dreams, and my father couldn't either, so I want to be the one who builds it for them."

"Wow, I would love to help with the funding of this project, Thomas. This is amazing."

Thomas's eyes go wide. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, after all, you did for me back in high school and always stuck by me. I think you deserve this. For you, Flore, and your boy. We'll get more detailed later, but yes, I'd love to help with funding."

"I can't tell you how much this means to me, Ben." Thomas throws his head back, covering his face with his hands, in complete awe.

A choice that will irrevocably alter the lives of two different families.

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