do you think he knows

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I kept frantically checking my phone... only a few minutes before the buses would take off and I was stuck underneath this desk.
A somewhat sexy situation became a nightmare due to this boy taking the rest of the class to ask questions.
Like geez I know you care about your education but I'm trying to suck off the teacher in peace.

"Thank you so much for your help". The boy said as he grabbed his things and rushed off- being late to the buses himself.
As soon as the door shut I hurried out of the space and stood up, grabbing my bag and fixing my shirt.
"Why are you in such a rush"? Nishinoya asked as he sat back in the chair.

"Cant miss my ride home". I stated obviously. "Well... I can take you home". He shrugged.
He acted like nothing was strange at all, like whatever we had going on here was perfectly normal.
The school would have us literally banished if anyone found out.

I bit the inside of my cheek, "I mean- if you don't mind". I stated shyly.
This man made me so nervous.
"I don't mind at all". He slightly laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me close.
I was pulled down onto his lap. "Hey! Someone could come in". I warned looking at the door.

"Okay- okay"- he smiled as he leaned in to kiss my neck. I put my hand on his chest to push him away but the pressure felt so good against my skin.
The way he held me close and breathed down my collar.

"Nishinoya"- i whispered.
"Hm"? He asked like he didn't know what he was doing. He knew that he was irresistible.
"Someone's gonna come in". I worried.
He trailed his hand under my shirt and placed it over my bra.
"Mm"- i yanked back and looked back at the door with wide eyes.

"Enough- I don't wanna get in trouble". I sighed standing up and touching my neck.
I winced in pain and I was pretty sure I had a hickey.
"Look what you're doing to me". I said.
"I know right", he grinned leaning back and eyeing his work on my skin.

"Taking you home might be the best part of my day"- he announced, turning to grab all his things from off the desk.

"Nishinoya..." I sighed.
He looked at me with a disheartened expression.
That glare in his eye was lethal. "Yes"? He asked.
"Do you think- it's okay for you to take me home"?

"... you gave me a blowjob In the parking lot and this is what you're hesitant about"? He smiled.
Hearing him speak so openly about it made the blood rush to my head. Why didn't he have a filter?

       "Well, I'm just saying that someone could see us".

"Hm. Well then we just need to be careful huh"?
The tone of his voice drove me crazy, it really drew me closer to him. The way he acted like nothing mattered. It's honestly attractive.

"How about you start heading there and I'll catch up". He proposed. I took the offer and felt like that might help us stay clear of anyone passing by.

I left the room with my bag and started walking.
I nearly tried to turn around when I saw mr wakatoshi heading my way from down the hall. the situation from earlier was awkward enough; I dont need a follow up. "oh y/n"? I heard just as I started the other direction. 

I turned to face him as he approached quickly, with words already leaving his mouth. "are you ready to finish that paper"? he wondered. "oh well, I actually need to get home. do you mind if I come tomorrow"? I suggested. "hm, why did you miss your bus if you weren't gonna stay"? he questioned. was this an interrogation?

"well, I missed it by accident". I admitted truthfully. I just wont say I was under my teachers desk. "oh, do you need a ride home"?

the question shocked me. does he think I don't notice how his tone drops? how he speaks quieter? damn, if I knew id be flirting with the teachers I would stick around for tutoring more often. 

"um, I actually asked someone else for a ride so im fine- but thanks a lot". the words were heavy to speak, it was hard for me to lie but even harder to tell the truth. "is this person...a teacher"? he asked. why does he care? "does that really matter"? I let out with a slight grin. I dropped the formality and just asked straight up- he's the one in my business. 

"I just wanna make sure you're getting home safe". he smiled. "and you would get me home safe"? I unintentionally spoke out loud, sounding quite flirty and making the man blink a few times quickly. he cleared his throat and looked around the nearly empty hall. "well, if you ever do need a ride or.. anything- i'm here to help". he smiled as he walked passed me and continued down the hall.

my heart was pounding and now I had to get in nishinoya's car again. 

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