skin to skin

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I was practically shaking, this was the most daring thing I could think to do. 

as the class was clearing out, I stayed behind picking up my things slowly. I grabbed the paper we were supposed to do for homework, and nervously fumbled with it as I walked to the front of the room were nishinoya sat staring at the computer. "can I help you"? he asked as he turned to face me. 

"um- yeah well I need help on this problem", I said putting my paper in front of him. he picked it up and lidded his eyes to glance over it. then a smile crossed his face and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. the last person left the room and shut the door behind them, leaving me and nishinoya in here alone. 

"damn- ive been studying but this stuff is still hard for me", he kinda laughed. my eyes widened a little, "aw man sorry, I didn't mean to curse... im not used to being a teacher". he laughed again. "its alright- I dont mind", I told him. 

"mm well- im not really understanding this either", he said handing me back my paper. "buttt- ill study hard tonight over it, and tomorrow ill try to help the class more", he said. "thanks" I mumbled feeling intimidated by the aspect of being alone with him. I shoved the paper in my bag and bit the inside of my cheek as I turned around. 

"oh wait"- he called out behind me, I turned around quickly. "can I tell you a secret"? he asked softly making my ears perk up. "what is it"? I asked back softer. "I totally forgot to take attendance", he said rubbing his neck. I nearly laughed. what kind of teacher doesn't take attendance? "do you think you can help me remember who was and wasnt here"? he asked. I nodded. 

"sure, I think I can remember". "alright come here", he smiled eagerly. I nearly fainted when those words left his mouth. but I walked around the desk and stood by him, as he sat beneath me in the chair. 

"okay- kai"? he asked looking at the top of the list. "he was here", I replied looking down at him. nishinoya stared at the clipboard and listed off names and I told him whether I saw them in class or not. 

I could smell his cologne. 

"okay thank you", he told me as he completed the list. "wait"- I stopped him. I leaned down and propped my elbows on the desk, grabbing the clipboard and flipping the page to a blank one.... well it only had one name- mine. 

"dont forget about me", I smiled as I grabbed the pen he set down and marked myself present. "y/n"? he questioned. "mhm"- I replied setting the pen down. I stood up and nishinoya looked at me, I could tell he averted his gaze quickly. and I realized my top had slid down a little more than usual. 

"well nice to meet you mr nishinoya"- I said. "oh, just call me nishinoya". he told me. it made my stomach tingle, and it made my heart beat faster. 

"ill be here for 2 weeks, since your teacher is out of town... hopefully we figure out that math problem together". nishinoya spoke. 

my head got hot and when I didnt respond he cleared his throat, "you know- the class.. together". he covered. 

I nodded, "see you tomorrow". it couldnt come fast enough- 


I walked into first period math today feeling great, nishinoya wasnt here yet, but I worked all night to figure out the problem just so I could show him how smart I was. 

I literally must have stayed awake 2 or 3 hours just researching videos about how to solve these types of problems, and when I finally finished it was 1 in the morning. needless to say I hope he's a quality man that appreciates effort. 

when he finally arrived, I put my phone away and basked in the glory of his presence. 

"okay class- I realized yesterday that the assignment gave a few of you some trouble, and looking at the bin today I see no one turned it in"... nishinoya spoke taking a seat in the front desk chair. I wanted to wait to turn mine in until after class, as an excuse to talk to him some more. it was the highlight of my day yesterday. 

"but thats alright, because I did something better than study"-  he said clapping his hands together and smiling rather deviously. "I found the answer key, so we will all help each other out- mkay? I help you guys with a few answers, you help me with getting this credit". he stated causing the classroom to laugh. everyone was quickly taking a liking to him for obvious reasons. 

nishinoya turned on the projector and showed us the answers. imagine the horrid expression I made when I saw my answer was WRONG- the thing I spent so long on... was plain wrong. 

if I would have waited until after class, and showed him- the embarrassment might have killed me seriously. 

I grabbed my pencil and began erasing rapidly, wanting to hide my shame from the world. 

as the class worked on filling out their papers, nishinoya walked around the room looking over peoples shoulder. I persisted to erase all the incorrect markings from my paper, but he walked over to me and took notice of me struggling. 

"so I take it the answer wasnt what you expected"? he asked with a grin. I looked down and tried not to show my emotions too obviously. "I- feel embarrassed" I slightly laughed realizing how foolish I looked. "no need to be embarrassed when you try", he told me placing his warm hand on my shoulder. 

I wore another tank top today, and the skin to skin contact was fueling my fantasies. he seemed to notice his actions and remove his hand quickly. "good job y/n", he winked walking away. 

dear lord its me again...

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