Street Journal

40 5 4

March 18 2015
Before we get off to my daily writing let me catch you up with my life until today I'm 18 now started a gang when I was 12 years old I know right horrible my dad was a alcoholic who beat on my mom when he was drunk until one day he was hitting a little to hard and beat my mom to death she died i lost both of my parents at the age of 9 now he is serving life in prison no brothers and sisters so that left me in the world alone going back and forth from foster home to foster home I was lonely I felt like I had no one and no one understood my problems I was messed up in the head just a young kid scared trying to take the world on by myself when I was 11 my grandmother came and adopted me by that time I was already destroyed as a kid life has forced me to start growing up quicker then what I wanted to a child hood can't remember really having one accept for when my mom was here she use to take me to the park all the time and took me to water parks and taught me how to ride my bike man I miss her some days I dream she would come back and rescue me plenty nights I cried myself to sleep screaming for my mother hating my father for what he did my mom was all I had and he took her away from me my grandmother came and adopted me but by time she got to me I was already fucked up in the head because in the 2 years I have been touched on by men and women who adopted me beat up and jumped by there kids locked in closet bullied everything so when she came my head was done I was not the same anymore there where older kids who use to be around the streets streets of Chicago by the way and I just thought they where so cool I wanted to be just like them so when one day one of them told me to come here and talked to me for a minute and basically put me under his wing for the first time I felt protected but what I did not notice that I just put myself in a gang -to be continued-

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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