Somewhere along the way, the mutant friends Raph mentioned came. They were known as the Mutanimals, some sort of team similar to the turtles that they worked with at times. One was a huge alligator, close to Mikey. Then there was a larger turtle, who was friends with Raph, a monkey, and a pigeon. They were different from the turtles, much less human like but I refused to judge them for it.

I walked over to the turnstiles, hanging up the last of the balloons we blew up by them. Everyone was moving around, final touches I asked for being done. 

"We should hide for when they come, so it's a surprise," I said. 

Donnie went over to get the lights when something flickered in the living room. Sparks flying out of thin air, that formed into a person.

"Totally radical," she said, brushing off her outfit. It was blue, a large staff in her hand.

I blinked, wondering who or what just teleported into the room, and why no one cared.

"Renet!" Mikey ran up to her, hugging and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Renet?" I questioned.

"Oh my gosh! (Y/N), your finally here!"

"What do you mean?"

"Your Leo's wife!"

"I'm not his wife, we're just boyfriend and girlfriend," I ran a hand through my hair, my face heating up as the rest came from their separate areas.

"Not yet, the future says otherwise."

"Renet is a timestress, and a good friend of ours," Donnie explained.

"Thought I'd drop in for the party," she cheerily said.

"Wife?!" my mouth hung agape as I looked her dead in the eyes.

Everyone erupted in laughter, seeing my shocked expression as I exclaimed words I never thought would come out my mouth.

"You should see the look on your face," Raph wheezed.

"Mhm, just wait until you get into a relationship," I quipped.

We all burst into laughter; the Mutanimals included. I checked my T-phone, the time coming now.

Donnie turned off the lights as we all tried to find a spot. It was quiet, as we swam in the dark shadows of the lair, hiding to the best of my ability even though I hadn't done much of it before. Silence plagued the room, except for the sound of pipes dripping and the faint noise of talking by the train tracks. I was being as quiet as possible, watching Leo and Casey star to come up the stairs towards the turnstiles.

"What the-where is everyone?" Leo asked, looking around the pitch-black room.

"Dude, I dunno," Casey said, walking through the turnstiles so Leo would. "Can't see a thing."

A moment passed, and the second Leo made his way through the room erupted. Lights turning on, confetti spraying, loud cheers bursting like fireworks.

"SURPRISE!" all of us yelled at him. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO!"

"This is amazing," he looked around, as we came around him.

"All (Y/N)," Raph nudged me.

"She came up with everything," Donnie added.

I smiled, something unreadable coming up in Leo's expression. I didn't know what it was, but it seemed good, as a grin pulled on his lips.

We led him into the dojo, where music played, and everyone got food. It was a large crowd, all of us fooling around and dancing. The food was great, and when it came time for all of us to eat cake we had sung to him and lit the candles. I watched, the group clapping as he blew out all seventeen candles Mikey put on it. It looked amazing and tasted even better. Still, I didn't try to drag Leo away from the crowd, everyone was here to see him, and it wasn't my place to take that away.

I hung out with April for a good part of it, letting the brothers have time together. At one point, we were making bets on arm wrestling between them, which was the funniest part of the night. Casey, April, Renet, the Mutanimals, and the turtles had all settled in the lounge, playing video games on the tv. Meanwhile, I was picking over the food in the dojo alone, trying to settle down. It was eleven now, as I leaned on the table and listened to the party music being played from the speakers. The LEDs were still running, the actual lights still off.

The high of everything was slowly dipping, and I sighed to myself while eating a slice of pizza.

"Leo?" my head turned, as I saw him entering the dojo. "Is everything alright? You should be with the rest of them."

"I wanted to spend time with you," he spoke softly, coming closer.

"Not now, you should enjoy the company," I said.

"Yes now. I don't want to be with them, I've been trying to slip away all night," he demanded. "I want to be with you when I turn seventeen."

"I'm honored," I joked, as we both leaned on the table of food now.

Silence rung throughout the room, hearing the song change and immediately recognize it. It was a slow dance.

"May I have this dance?" Leo came in front of me and bowed down comically, offering a hand.

"Of course," he took my hand gently and pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

We moved to the center of the dojo, his arms coming around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I wrapped my own around his neck, resting my head on his plastron. We swayed, and I listened to his soft heartbeat.

"You don't know how much it means to me that you did all of this," he whispered, rubbing circles against my back. "God, I love you so much." 

Suddenly, Leo lifted me up and spun me around, as the music picked up, laughing like I had never seen before. The cold faced leader was the happiest I had ever seen him, his irises seemingly more vibrant than previous. I had never experienced this before, this total love for someone.

I was his, and he was mine. There was definite risk in it, the thought that one day I would be at the mercy of a murderer, or in the middle of a bomb wracked facility, or even held captive, but I didn't care. I took the risk in stride and gave my full loyalty because I knew he would give his life in my favor. I was able to accept him for his true personality, rather than the acts he committed. I understood that he was a ninja, that he could do unfathomable acts to others if he wished, but I also understood that he cared. He held soft spots for certain things, certain people at times, and that was worth it all.

Leo and I were out of breath from dancing, our lips ghosting one another as he brough my forehead to his. He caressed my cheek, his eyes centered on mine, like he was taking me in. I pulled out my T-phone, showing him the time that marked 11:59pm. The clock struck, and we kissed like it would be our last.

If what the timestress said was true, I was fully supportive. 

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