Chapter 9

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It is early morning and a hiker was walking in the forest. She liked hiking at this time because she thought this was the best time to observe wildlife. She took a sip from her water bottle. A deer was spotted up ahead. She crouched down next to a fallen tree and aimed her camera at it. She snapped some photos of it. The deer ran away after hearing a noise from nearby. She took a look at the photos, deleting ones that were blurry. The hiker owns a blog where she uploads photos of wildlife from different locations. A squirrel was heard from above making its alarm call. However, she couldn't figure out where it was coming from. She continued forward until she sensed someone following her. She turned around but saw nobody. The squirrel kept making the alarm call. The forest was very dense with trees. She wondered why the park rangers hadn't cut down the overgrown trees. She still couldn't figure out where the squirrel was. She stood and tried to look for the pesky creature amongst all the branches. Suddenly the hiker was shoved down to the ground. She looked up and saw a man wearing a hockey mask. She quickly pulled out her pepper spray and aimed it at the man who was now reaching for her. She sprayed it at one of his eye holes. Jason flinched for a second but then grabbed the hiker's leg. She tried to break free. Jason hoisted her up and slammed her down multiple times until the back of her head caved in and blood spewed out. The squirrel stopped its alarm call.

Back at the camp, the campers were eating their breakfast. 

"Wow, you know how to make all that?" asked Jake.

"Yup, I learned it all from my mom, Aaron could have been as good as me if he actually paid attention when mom was cooking," said Beth. Aaron chuckled. 

"When this camp opens, are you going to be the camp's cook?" asked Jake.

Beth thought for a second. "Maybe if I have a free summer semester." 

Alex sat down after getting another drink from the cooler. He caught a glimpse of Jose and Jasmine smiling at each other but thought nothing of it. 

"Hey, Zach, do you mind drawing a new logo for the camp?" asked Aaron.

"Um, sure I'll do my best," said Zach.

He began to do some sketches. Once they were all done with their breakfast, Aaron and Alex went to the store again for more things. 

"Thank you for joining us again this Friday morning," said the news anchor. 

"We start off with breaking news, an environmental scientist who wants to remain anonymous stumbled upon a dead body of a woman while researching the area. The woman looked like she was brutally beaten on the ground. He called the police to inform them about it. The police think it may be connected to the murders from yesterday at Camp Crystal Lake due to its proximity to it. At this time, the police have yet to release the identity of the woman and are telling the public to remain calm as they continue to investigate the murders." 

On the way back from the store, Aaron asked Alex a question. "Do you think Jasmine and Jose are a couple now?" 

"What makes you say that?" asked Alex.

"I notice them looking at each other a lot in the morning and last night, Jose was gone for like thirty minutes and Beth said Jasmine was gone for that long too around the same time maybe they did a little something," said Aaron.

Alex thought back to when he saw them smiling at each other in the cafeteria. "Eh, I doubt Jose would have the guts to ask her out." 

Back at the camp, Jake was teaching Sarah archery. He shot an arrow at the target to demonstrate. It hit the center. Sarah was ready to try.

"Remember stand up straight and your arm has to be perpendicular to your chest," said Jake.

She was about to shoot. "No, your bow is too high, lower it slightly, and there you go." 

She directly aimed at the target. She let go and the arrow hit near the center. 

"Hey, not bad for your first try, you'll be a pro in no time if you keep it up." 

She smiled at him. "Well, I have a good teacher with me."

Terry was running laps around the camp while lifting a big branch. up and down. He passed by the soccer field where Jasmine and Jose were playing. Despite Jose having more experience in soccer, Jasmine was holding her own. He stopped near Zach and threw the branch down to the ground. 

"Dam, I'm out of shape," said Terry taking deep breaths.

Zach looked down at his own skinny body and frowned.

"Hey, what are you up to?" he asked Zach.

Zach looked up at him. 

"Aaron asked me to draw a new logo for the camp."

"May I see it?" Terry asked.

Zach nodded. "I have three sketches." 

Terry took a look at them. The first sketch just had Camp Basswood in bold letters. The second sketch had the camp name in a more simple font with trees beside it and the sun above it. The third sketch had the camp name in cursive and the lake beneath it as well as the sun above. Terry pointed at the second sketch. 

"I vote for this one," Terry said. 

Aaron and Alex have returned from the store. Aaron went to put the food in the cafeteria. 

"Hey soccer boy, catch!" yelled Alex.

He threw a football that he bought from the store.

After putting away the food, Aaron went back to the cabin. Beth was sitting nearby observing the others as she tried to catch some sun. She was the first to hear the yell coming from the cabin. She turned around and saw Mike screaming at the top of his lungs and Aaron angrily yelling at him.

"Watch what happens when I tell your mom what I caught you doing and not taking your meds!" yelled Aaron.

"What the fuck are you all looking at!" Mike yelled at the onlookers. 

"Go cool off Mike, it's okay everybody back to what you were doing," said Aaron, putting out a cigarette with his foot. Beth went up to Aaron.

"What happened?" asked Beth.

"I went inside the cabin and saw his stuff all over the place including the mattress. I saw him looking through my stuff. When I called out to him, he was smoking a cigarette. I yelled at him for smoking and making a mess of the place. That's when he angrily screamed at me and ran out." explained Aaron.

"I hope our aunt takes him back to therapy," said Beth.

Zach walked up to them. 

"Uh, I guess this isn't a good time to ask for your opinion?" 

Aaron sighed.

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