Chapter 5

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It was now the afternoon. Three film students were wandering around the remains of Camp Crystal Lake. 

"Alright James this looks like a good spot to film our new movie in," said one of them.

"I agree Bob, this will make a good spot for our first scene," said James looking at the lake.

He adjusted his glasses. "I can see it now, you wander around the lake and sit down at the edge. You then skip a stone across a lake then suddenly Jeff wearing the fish man costume rises from the lake and tries to grab you. He then chases you but stops after a bit and retreats back to the lake. You look behind you and realize it's gone but you don't stick around to find out where it went so you keep running away. Then bam title screen: The Mystery of The Fish Man."

"Wouldn't it be scarier if we film it at night?" asked Jeff. 

"We are, I just want to test out this new camera also my film lights haven't arrived yet, plus we are only filming the intro remember," said James. "Also it's good for practice.

Bob reread the script. "Okay, I'm ready." 

Jeff put on the fish man costume and mask. "Oh, you look scary, my thanks to your sister, she did an amazing job with it, sucks that we gotta dirty it up." 

Bob and James grabbed some mud and rubbed it all over the costume. James grabbed some aquatic plants and grass and sprinkled them on the costume. 

"Alright Jeff, the lake is deep enough for you to be completely submerged," said James. 

Jeff slowly went down the lake. While sinking, he saw a mysterious figure on the other side of the lake blending in with the trees. He tried to make out what it was but Bob told him to hurry up.  Before he completely submerged, he saw James instructing Bob on where to start at."

"Action!" yelled James. 

Bob walked around the corner of the lake and sat at the edge.

"Fuck my life, I can't seem to do anything right" 

He grabbed a stone. "My grades are going down the drain," he tossed it at the lake. He grabbed another stone. "My relationship is going down as well" he tossed it at the lake. He grabbed another one "And everything else is going bad, I just wish all my worries will go away." This time when he threw it, the stone skipped across the lake. That was Jeff's cue. He jumped out of the water and tried to grab Bob. He screamed and ran toward safety. Jeff gurgled and stumbled after. James kept his camera pointed at Bob running. When Bob was far enough away, Jeff quickly ran back to the lake. The camera was still pointed at Jeff. Bob looked back and saw that the creature was nowhere to be seen and kept on running. 

"Cut, that was great!" James called out.

Jeff came out from the water but he had a strange feeling that something was watching him close by. He thought he saw something in the water but before he could react, the group heard a man shout "Hey!"

It was a police officer. They quickly ran away. "This is officer Brandy, I have three males trespassing on Camp Crystal Lake, I need backup!" 

Jeff's suit was weighing him down but he did his best to run. Suddenly a man emerged from the lake. He looked toward where they were headed and then went back down. 

"Alright get in," said the officer. 

Jeff sat down in the back seat of the police car still in costume. "What were you three doing, you know this area is off limits?"   

"We were filming a movie and my friend thought it would be a good spot to film." 

"Well, you guys should have picked a different spot." He closed the door and went to get his radio. "Officer Brandy here, I got one of them in custody." "Roger that we are still in pursuit of the others." He hung up the radio and closed the door.  

Just then he heard a branch crack in the forest. "Hey, come on out!" he yelled. He walked up to the group of trees but saw nothing. "I'm not playing games you two come out now!" 

Behind him, a large man in rotting dark clothes grabbed the officer's neck and swiftly broke it. Jeff witnessed it and started screaming. The man turned around and saw Jeff. He looked at the man and saw he was wearing a dirty hockey mask. The man grabbed a machete from the ground and walked towards the car. Jeff panicked but was not able to free himself. 

The man punched through the window and tried to grab him. Jeff fell backward on the seat. His head banged on the opposite side door. The man clinched the door and ripped it off. Jeff was in shock at how strong this man was. He assumed he wasn't human. Up close, he can see the man's skin was rotting and gray. He continued screaming and trying to kick the man. 

The man swung his machete and cut off one of Jeff's legs. He howled in pain. Another swing and his other leg fell off. Blood was spreading everywhere. With no legs and his hands tied, he could not move. The man aggressively grabbed his leg stumps. Jeff screamed as he was being dragged. The man tossed him to the ground. He grabbed his machete and stabbed Jeff in the back. His screams stopped and his body lay still.

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