Chapter 8

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It was evening and the campers decided to play dodgeball. Mike of course did not want to play so Alex volunteered to sit out to make it even. They used the soccer field since it had boundaries. On one side were Aaron, Jake, Jasmine, and Zach. The other side had Terry, Sarah, Beth, and Jose. They placed the dodgeballs evenly spaced out in the middle. They all stood a good distance away from the center line. When Aaron blew the whistle, some of them ran to get a ball while others stood back. Aaron threw a ball and hit Beth on the knee. 

"You're out sis!" 

Terry held two balls. He threw one at Aaron and one at Zach but both missed. Jasmine got hit by Sarah and walked off the field. Jake nearly got hit by Jose and jumped over a ball thrown by Sarah. Terry went to pick up a ball but was hit on the foot by Zach. Sarah was moving pretty quickly but she tripped and was an easy target for Jake. Jose quickly threw a curve ball which hit Aaron's shoulder. He threw another one which hit Jake on the arm. It was down to Zach and Jose. Zach threw his ball at Jose but missed. Jose held three balls and threw each one at him but Zach dodged all three. Jose got another ball and threw it and Zach quickly deflected it. He threw his ball at Jose but missed. This match became intense as their friends cheered for who they thought would win. Zach threw a ball at him but Jose dodged. Jose threw a ball directly aimed at Zach's chest. He caught it and with that Zach was the winner. 

"Looks like you owe me five dollars," Alex said to Aaron. 

Jose was left dumbfounded that he lost to a person who didn't even play sports. 

"Wow, Picasso you did it!" Alex said.

They decided to do another round. This time Zach sat out. Aaron jumbled the teams again. On one side: Aaron, Beth, Terry, and Alex. The other side: Jake, Sarah, Jose, and Jasmine. Once the dodgeballs were neatly placed in the center, Aaron blew the whistle and the game started again. Jose threw a ball toward Beth and hit her back. She was the first one out again. Alex ran to get a ball but was hit on the leg by Jake. Jasmine threw a ball at Aaron which nearly got him off balance but quickly recovered. A fastball flew right at Jasmine and hit her in the stomach. She landed with a thud.

"You okay?" Terry asked.

Jasmine got up. "Yeah, nice throw." 

Jose saw her get hit and threw multiple balls at Terry. One ball hit him on the knee and caused him to kneel. Aaron was the only one left on his team. He easily got Jake out when he bent down to get a ball. Jose and Sarah each threw a ball at him but missed. Aaron threw a ball at Jose which nearly got him. Jose threw two balls at him. He dodged one and caught the other. 

"Fuck not again," said Jose in frustration. 

While Aaron was distracted, Sarah quickly threw a ball but she threw it too high and it hit Aaron on the head. He fell to the ground. Sarah and the others went to check if he was okay. Aaron shook his head.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you in the head" 

"I'm alright," Aaron said. Sarah helped him up. "Now who's hungry for some dinner?"

"We have Breaking News coming in," said one of the news anchors. 

"Three more bodies have been found in Camp Crystal Lake, 25-year-old Fredrick Monroe Jr and 24-year-old Elizabeth Saunders were found dead as well as a homeless man who was living in a tent." 

"Authorities believe that these murders are connected to the ones that happened earlier today," said the other news anchor. 

"Please stay with us as we do our best to provide you with more information about the ongoing investigation." 

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