Invite Me Again

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The sun was so bright that she had to blink her eyes a few times.

She was at a playing ground with her daughter.
Just a few moments ago she was seeing her daughter in front of her but then she disappeared.

Lisa widened her eyes and stood up quickly . She was very worried about her 5 years old daughter. To her bad luck there were many people around too that day.

She looked here and there but didn't find any young girl that looks like her daughter. She didn't even feel the tears rolling down her face.

Lisa saw many people looking at her. Some were worried for her and some just looked like judging her. She ignored all the faces they're showing and looked for her daughter again.

Just then a young couple saw her tears and went after her.

"Miss, are you looking for someone?"

Lisa immediately turned around and nodded her head. More tears were rolling down as seconds passed by.

She and her daughter have always been together. Especially after her boyfriend cheated on her and left them, she couldn't go anywhere without her small girl.

"Ye-yes! My daughter. She was just there playing"

The couple pitied her. She looked so broken. After telling her the direction they saw a small girl walking to, they left her alone.

Lisa immediately wiped away the tears and ran. She didn't care about the way she looked like. She didn't care about the faces people around her were making.

The same girl's voice came from behind. Lisa turned around quickly and there she really was. Her daughter.

It didn't take any time until the small girl was pulled in her mother's embrace. She felt safer again.

"Mom look this uncle here helped me find you"

Just then did Lisa notice the person behind her daughter. Jeon Jungkook. She couldn't see anyone but her daughter earlier.

Lisa was ready to bow and say many thank yous. She was very happy to have this person helping her daughter.

Even though Jungkook said it's fine and he did it out of mankind, Lisa still insisted to invite him to a restaurant and pay for a dinner. They exchanged numbers and met a few days after the incident at a famous restaurant.

Both Jungkook and Lisa didn't lack money, but seeing the restaurant's name, he was suddenly interested in knowing about her and her job. He himself owned a winery in a few countries and has done some collaborations with clothing brands, car brands, etc...

When a few minutes passed, Lisa and her daughter showed up in some fancy clothes. They looked very expensive in Jungkook's eyes.

But he was surprised when he didn't find anyone coming with her. Not a husband? boyfriend or a partner?

The whole night went very well and all the three of them liked talking and eating together.
Lisa's daughter likes Jungkook very much too. It was obvious.

When they finished eating, Lisa asked for the bill because she was the one inviting Jungkook for helping her find her daughter.

When the waiter came and Lisa was about to take our her card, Jungkook gave his black card and didn't wait for Lisa nor did he look at her.

Lisa was speechless. She had already said that she will invite him.

When the waiter wished them a good night, Lisa took her daughter's hand and walked out with Jungkook on her left side.

"I said I'm inviting you. You really didn't have to pay"

Jungkook just chuckled "gentlemen don't let women pay, especially on their first dinner."

Lisa's heart did abnormal things that she never felt since a few years now.

"And maybe I just did that so you invite me again"

That was it. After this sentence they started going out frequently. Sometimes Lisa left her daughter at her parents and went alone on their 'dates'.

It wasn't much more than after a year when Jungkook invited Lisa to the same restaurant where they had their first dinner together and asked her out.

Lisa surely said yes to him but she was also shocked when she heard that the restaurant is actually his.

Expected Endings -LiskookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant