Prologue: Meet The Gods (The Birth of a Legend)

Start from the beginning

"Oh hey Thor! Come for the Tomb I presume? Oh that rhymes!" Ace said spinning her large cane around excitedly as Thor looked at her, a baffled expression on his face.

The expression in question may have been something to do with Ace knowing about the Tomb or it might have been to do with her outfit which was... far from traditional.

She was wearing a colourful polo neck jumper, a leather jacket, dark baggy jeans and odd socks, all of which stuck out so much, that the most disguised part of Ace came atop her pale head in the form of her customary black hat.

"How did you know?!" Thor demanded furiously.

"Oh Thor, I always know," Ace said tapping her nose and winking at the raging god.

Thor raised a bushy eyebrow as he put his hand on the Hammer hanging from his belt.

"Nah I'm just kidding, I listened outside the door, you really should get better security you know, or maybe just invite everyone so you don't have to," the goddess said, putting her hands in her pocket and sauntering calmly up to the god who was nearly three times her height and covered in muscle. Contrary to this Ace was a little more on the thin side and barely made it up to the god's chest.

However, even if The Goddess of Chaos had been tall in stature she still wouldn't have been close to the height of The God of Thunder. Thor really was humongous, his giant frame towering above Ace's small body.

"Well, normally I would obliterate those foolish enough to listen behind doors, but... as you are just a weak young maiden- I feel it is only right that I let you go now Astrid," Thor said in his most chivalrous voice, straining slightly as he left the way out clear for Ace. At Thor's words, Ace's smile melted away into something darker, her dark blue eyes flashing dangerously as she looked at the god, not moving an inch.

"Listen here Thor, three things: One, I will not tell you again, I don't take Astrid anymore, my name is Ace. Two, do not ever, EVER call me a young maiden again pal. I am not some posh 'maiden' and I'm perfectly happy giving the world the gift of my opinions- thank you, Thor. Oh, and finally- three, if you think I'm weak and you think I'm just going to walk out of here, no. If anything Thor, if I was you I'd walk out the room right now, cause when all the others hear how I beat you in single combat, you'll be the laughing stock of the Godlands. So, take the chance and leave now or I'll have to embarrass you," Ace retorted, her hands back on her staff, her eyes still flashing dangerously.

At the words of the goddess, Thor's face lit up with glee as he laughed raucously, Ace looked up at the ceiling as he did in exasperation, wondering why people insisted on being so ridiculously idiotic.

"You are funny indeed little damsel," Thor guffawed as he rubbed Ace's hair like she was an adorable toddler.

A BIG mistake on Thor's part.

As she spoke, Ace's eyes flashed a warning yellow, the goddess teleporting back in front of The God of Thunder, not ready to leave so quickly.

"Damsel, as in damsel in distress because pal, if we're talking about damsels in distress, I think there's only one in here, princess," said Ace, grinning as she gave the Thor a great big kick in the knee that sent the unsuspecting God stumbling backwards, clutching his knee.

"You will pay for that Astrid!!" The god blustered angrily.

"What you gonna do Cinderella? Poke me with your glass slipper?" Ace retorted, grinning wildly at Thor's evident fury.

Then, as the god got back up, going to pull out his Hammer, he spoke, foolishly, "If you want my advice Ace... go learn to sew like a proper little lady. Or, even better, go find a suitor and learn your place."

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