Chapter 1

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In Canada, there were two men who were looking for a specific person. Or more specifically a mutant. After finding out where this mutant was, they found out that they were at a Military Prison. It was known that the mutant they needed was actually being released, which made it easier for them.

Upon arriving, the two men walked into the prison and asked for the woman they wanted. They had to wait for an hour before she was let out, and when she did she was very confused when seeing the two unfamiliar men.

The two stood up, and walked towards her. One of them was short, with short brown hair, bright blue eyes and a kind face. The other was rather tall, with auburn/brown hair and greyish-blue eyes, he looked almost emotionless.

"Hello Laura, my name is Charles Xavier and this is my friend Erik Lehnsherr" The shorter one, Charles, said reaching out to shake the womans hand. Frowning at how he knew her name, she shook his hand.

"I don't know you, so why are you here for me? And how do you know my name?" She questioned, feeling her body tense up. After years of fighting in the wars, she learnt not to trust anybody and to always stand on guard.

"I would love to answer your questions, but i feel as though it would be better if we spoke in a more private setting" Charles said calmly, but flinched when flashes of Laura's memories went through his mind. 

Laura frowned more when she felt a weird tingling sensation in the back of her head, and shook her head hoping it would go away, luckily it did. When Laura didn't answer, Erik took it upon himself to speak up.

"We understand that you don't know us, or trust us. But we aren't here to harm you in any way. We know that you're....special in a way and we need your help" Laura was now looking at the man, and noticed that he had a slight German accent. She also had to admit he was quite handsome.

"Special, huh?" She laughed dryly, while shaking her head. Special my ass, she thought.

"Look honestly, i can't be bothered arguing with you. I have my family cabin that i still own, we can go there and talk" She finally answered, making the two men nod in agreement and relief.

It took an hour to get to the cabin, and Laura was very relieved when she saw it was still there and untouched. After having a much needed shower and some new clothes, Laura made her way to the lounge room and made sure to grab some alcohol and glasses. Pouring herself and the others drinks, the woman handed them their drinks and quickly downed hers.

"Alright, you said i was special. What exactly did you mean by that?" Laura asked, pouring herself another drink.

"We know that you're a mutant" Charles said without hesitation, making the woman freeze and slowly look up at them. She wasn't sure if they were telling the truth or setting her up, so she kept her guard up just in case.

"Mutant you say? And what gave you that idea?" She said nonchalantly, as she sat across from Charles.

"I used a machine called Cerebro, and with being a telepath it helped me find where the mutants are. You being one of them" Charles explained, but Laura still didn't believe him which didn't surprise Charles in the slightest.

"I understand that you don't believe either of us, Laura. But we really don't mean you any harm, and simply wish to ask for your help"  The woman flinched slightly when hearing Charles' voice in her mind, and looked at him wide eyed. The man gave her a kind smile, which made her relax slightly. Then her gaze met with Erik's.

"If you're a mutant, what can you do?" She asked, and watched as Erik raised his hand and suddenly the dog tags she was wearing started to move slightly towards the man.

"Okay, okay i believe you now. But what do you want with me?" She asked, as Erik placed his hadn down and her necklace falling back into place.

"We need your help taking down a man by the name of Sebastian Shaw. He's going to start world war three if we don't stop him" Erik replied. Laura looked at him in both shock, making her nearly drop her glass.

"World war three?! I didn't fight in the first two just to fight in a third one!" She groaned, rubbing her head and took a large gulp of her drink.

"You fought in both of them?" Charles asked in surprise.

"I thought being a telepath meant that you could read my mind" She questioned with a quirked brow, and a smirk.

"Well, yes, I've seen a bit of your past but i wouldn't look further without your permission" This surprised Laura but she respected him for that.

"Well don't read mine. Trust me, you won't like it. And to answer your question, yes i did. I joined the army in 1857 as William Maximoff. I fought in the Civil War, World War one and two, and i fought in the Vietnam War for a year before....well before i did something that got me locked up" Erik and Charles were very surprised by what she said. This woman that they want to recruit was more experienced then they realised.

"Look, I've been locked up for six years and I've missed the fight. So if you need my help, you have it" Laura said, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag of it.

"Brilliant! I'm so glad you agreed. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could we possibly see your mutation?" Charles carefully asked, as the woman took another drag of her cigarette.

"Sure, but we'll need to go outside for that" She replied, making her way to the back of the house with the men in tow.

Putting out her smoke, the woman sighed heavily. It had been a while since she used her mutation, and she was slightly nervous. Turning around, she looked at the two.

"I'll show you what i can do in human form first" She said, and showed them her claws which grew longer. Laura then dug her claws into her arm, catching Erik and Charles by surprise. The cuts that she made, instantly started to heal.

"Amazing! You have claws and you can heal" Charles grinned, even Erik had a slight smile on his face.

"I also have enhanced senses, and super strength. Now for the show stopper" With that said, Laura closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. It didn't take long for her to feel her bones moving, and she fell to her hands and knees. The men grew concerned and went to ask if she was okay, but were stopped.

"No, it's okay. I'm okay" She reassured them, as she started to shift. Not long after, Erik and Charles let out gasps when they saw what used to be Laura now turned into a Snow Leopard. A few seconds later, she changed back to her human form.

"That was absolutely remarkable" Charles laughed in amazement, while clapping his hands. Laura felt good when hearing that, but frowned when she saw Erik still staring at her.

"Exquisite" Erik breathed out, and if it were possible his eyes would be in the shape of hearts. The Maximoff woman couldn't help but blush, and quickly looked to Charles who was smirking slightly at the two.

"So, uh when do we leave?" She quickly asked.

"Whenever you're ready, dear"

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