Feelings and Kisses/Chapter 17

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*Damn that title;)

Lizzie's POV:
As she opens the door and we make eye contact i realise this was 100% the right decision. This is the face i want to see hopefully forever.

"Y/n/n i need to tell you the truth."

As those words leave my mouth i realise there's no turning back. I'm about to admit this to her. Oh god stay calm Lizzie.

She looks surprised but still moves to the side motioning for me to come in. I notice the smell of her aftershave and it makes me smile. It's always been her. I take a seat on the bed and pat it for her to join me, she is being really quiet which is odd because since the first day we met 6 months ago she never stops talking unless she's listening to me. She looks so nervous. I reach out my hand to hold hers, which she exepts instantly, although she won't look me in the eye.

"Y/n love can you look at me please?" She takes a moment before making eye contact again. Wow, those Y/E/C of hers... focus Lizzie.

"I'm sorry i acted that way before when you told me that on the beach. I just wasn't expecting it thats all, you took me by surprise."

"I'm so sorry Lizzie, i didn't mean it like that, it wasn't in that way i mean i don't know why it came out like that I..."

I feel my heart break a little bit at her words..

"Oh... okay you didn't mean it, thats fine. I should go..."

I get up to leave the room and just as i get off the bed she grabs my wrist pulling me back down. She looks serious so i wait for her to talk.

"No, i can't lie to you anymore Lizzie. I'm so in love with you. I have never felt this way about anyone and all i know is no matter how you feel towards me i always want you in my life, even as just friends if thats what you wish. I just can't lie to you anymore. I love you so so much and i have since our eyes met the day of my boxing match. I'm in love with you Elizabeth Chase Olsen."

I take in every word she says, completely in awe, thank god the feelings mutual. I'm lost for words so all i can think to do is let her feel the love whilst i think of how to tell her how i feel.

I lunge forward and connect our lips in a deep and passionate kiss, which takes her by surprise at first but she melts into it seconds later as i do. The most amazing kiss i have ever felt.

As i pull away i hold her face in my hands, maintaing eye contact so she knows i mean ever word i'm about to say.

"I'm so glad to hear that love. I feel the exact same way. I have never felt this way about anyone before, not even Robbie. And thats scary, i thought i had felt love before but somehow nothing has compared to you. I feel so calm and whole whenever i look into those beautiful eyes of yours. I'm in love with you too Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, so deeply."

A tear escapes her eye as she moves her forehead so its touching mine. This is so scary. I feel so much emotion and i love it, i love that she now knows how i'm feeling about her, but at the same time this is scary. I not long ago ended my relationship with Robbie and now here we are talking about how in love we are with eachother. But as i look into her eyes all i can think is no one will ever love her like i can. No matter how complicated this could get. All i need is her right now.

Y/n's POV:
Wow did that really just happen!? She feels the same, i'm in awe i thought after this conversation would come to light we would no longer be friends. But she feels the same. Wow.

This is going to be a complicated thing to go through, her just ending it with Robbie. For a moment i think about bringing that up but it's been a very emotion packed few hours for both of us. I wonder where this leaves us now? Are we going to date? Or stay the same? I look down to see that Lizzie has fell asleep on my chest. After our conversation we just wanted to be near eachother so here she is spending the night in my bed. Not complaining though..

I'm excited that this has finally come out. Holding it in was too much for my anxiety to handle, which is probably why it came out in my ramble. I need to work on that..

As i switch of the lamp and stare into darkness thinking about everything that happened today, only one thing comes to my mind.

Could this be a forever type of love?

Authors note:
Damn it's finally out! Alot happened in this chapter but i like how sweet they are. I think 17 chapters in is alright for a confession and a relationship to begin to blossom. After all they have known eachother for 6 months.... Let me know what you think! Only a few more sweet chapters before angstttt.

See you in the next chapter!!

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