Follow Your Heart/Chapter 10

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Lizzie POV:
Falling asleep last night was hard, i was up all night thinking about what Y/n said. She is in love with me? I don't know what to do with this, all i know is she has made my life amazing these past few months and after everything with Robbie she made me happy. I will do anything to keep what we have going, i will ask my mother what to do if anyone knows it will be her.

I finish getting ready and doing my light makeup, stalling so i can prepare myself for seeing her, i'm excited for our day to start since we both don't have our interviews until tomorrow but i'm nervous too, will she be able to see right through me or will i be able to act as normal as possible? God Lizzie get a grip it's just Y/n.

I make my way out of my bedroom and towards the kitchen where i hear Taylor Swift playing and know that she is making food for us, i laugh as i enter the kitchen to see Y/n dancing as she plates up our food. Just as i step in the kitchen she turns round and nearly craps her pants as she sees me, making me burst out laughing.

"Jesus Elizabeth you scared the crap out of me!" She looks pale as she holds her hand on her heart. After i finish laughing my ass off i apologise. "I'm so sorry Y/n/n i didn't mean to scare you the music was too loud for you to hear me coming!" I genuinly feel bad thinking i really scared her until she gives me a warm smile "It's fine Liz it was quite funny, go sit down i'll bring our breakfast over." I do as she says and she comes over a few seconds later with an iced coffee with pancakes and bacon. "This is my absolute favourite breakfast! Thank you Y/n."

We eat our breakfast exchanging looks and small talk, i momentarily forget what she said last night, i'm just enjoying our moment super excited for our day together. Unfortunately that happiness didn't last long since my phone started ringing. My manager Marla's name popping up on the screen. Weird, she never calls on my days off. I decide to pick up since it's definitely important.

"Marla hey! Whats up?" I expect to hear her cheery voice respond but she didn't.

"Hey Liz... Sorry for calling on your day off but i need you to see the articles i just sent you, i'll get off the phone so you can see them and process since they don't require and explanation. They were from the past couple months... let me know if you need me for absolutely anything okay? Bye Liz." I don't even have chance to respond since she already hung up. I had it on loud speaker and Y/n looks just as confused as i do. She comes over to my side and sits next to me.

"Shall we see what this is about before worrying? It's probably just more stupid rumours about us being together or something." We both laugh in unison but she can sense my anxiety before i even tell her. With one hand she holds onto mine and the other she takes my phone and opens up Marla's messages, making sure i can see before she clicks on the link. Taking us straight to a headline and pictures i never thought i would ever see.

Robbie Arnett and new mystery girl seen together again! Does this mean relationship between Arnett and Olsen is officially over!?

There is no way this is actually happening, i must be seeing things.
Y/n scrolls through revealing all the pictures of them hugging and kissing in public. He wasn't even trying to hide it!?

After a few pictures she senses i have had enough and places the phone down before embracing me in the best hug in the world. I burst our crying and stay in her arms for an hour. Coming to terms with what i just witnessed. After a very long while of being in her embrace she moves away, bringing her hands upto my face and wiping away my tears.

"That prick does not deserve you Elizabeth he never did, all i have heard about him has led to this moment, i know it's hard but he does not deserve your tears, your an amazing, beautiful, kind, caring and simply perfect woman. It's his loss okay?" Her words do something to my heart that i just can't explain, it hurts that he would do this to me after everything but being here with Y/n somehow takes my pain away.

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