Chapter 3: Homesick

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After a long day at work, Krist decided to go to his parent's place. He only goes over during the weekends but today, he felt exceptionally tired and homesick.

"Mom." He took an hour's bus ride to his parents' home, the place where he grew up. It's been almost a month since he visited them since he's been really busy with his work.

The door in front of him creaked open and he found his mother looking at him with a lovely smile, and he instantly embraced her. She pulled him inside the house as both Mr. and Mrs. Sangpotirat started fussing over their child, preparing dinner for him and setting an extra set of cutleries for him.

"So, why is my boy over here on a weekday?" Mrs. Sangpotirat knew that Krist don't usually visit when he has work the next day just because he rather not take the bus for an hour to arrive at his office and he thinks it was time to be more independent when he thought it was time to move out and live on his own.

"Can't I come over?" Krist said and eyed his mother with a teasing look, "I'm hungry so I came here just for free food."

Mrs. Sangpotirat giggled at his answer and added a scoop of Krist's favorite dish to his plate, "I'll let you bring some back tomorrow, okay?"

Krist nodded his head and took another bite of the dish, "Well, can't your boy be missing his parents?"

"Of course he can, he's our baby after all." Mrs. Sangpotirat said and Krist pretended to gag at the reply but internally, he could feel his heart warmed. The dinner went on with Krist being teased by his mother as he sometimes pick on her as well while his father chuckled by the side.

"Kit, you're staying over?" Krist lifted his gaze from his phone when he heard his nickname being called. He was originally called Kit but his teacher suggested changing his name to Krist when he was in middle school. Even so, his family always called him by his childhood name 'Kit'.

"I told Ice to help me look after him for tonight." Krist had handed Ice a spare key to his apartment to Ice so that it would be easier for him to come over and take care of Pluto for him whenever he wasn't available. His parents initially were against that Krist giving Ice a copy of his apartment key, saying that they were afraid Ice would take advantage of Krist when he least expected it. But Krist knew him since his college days and Ice is always a trustworthy friend to Krist. He knew he could believe in Ice and tell him his thoughts without the fear of being judged which is why Ice was the only one in his group of friends to know his current situation and his part-time job. He didn't tell his parents too much about where he got the extra cash to pay for the medical bills so that they won't be too worried and just lied that he got a promotion in his full-time job which made him have a really high salary to pay the debts for them.

"Okay, I'll pack some lunches for Ice too tomorrow." Shortly after, he was ushered by his parents to go wash up and rest since it was almost 10 pm and he needs to wake up earlier than usual to catch the bus. He entered his room and yawned as he unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it into the laundry basket in his room. He quickly took a shower and went to look for formal clothes in his wardrobe. He only have a few casual outfits in his parents' home but he was lucky to find a few of his father's formal shirts which his father handed to him when he got retired. It was slightly baggy on him but it will do for the moment since he didn't want to spend the extra bus fare and time to go back to his home and change into his own clothes before going in to work. He also managed to find a decent pair of trousers from his wardrobe.

"Mom, where did you put the clothes iron?" Krist took out one of the shirts along with the trousers and yelled.

"It's on the cupboard above the washing machine." His mother shouted from the kitchen while preparing the dishes for Krist to bring home.

"Okay." He answered and went to the said cupboard to find the clothes iron. But even after searching for it for almost 15 minutes, he still couldn't find it and he went to the kitchen to ask for his mother's help.

"Geez, I told you it's in the cupboard above the washing machine." She grunted when she stepped into the laundry room. She was a little short to reach the cupboard so she pulled over the stool that was by the corner and stood on it. To Krist's surprise, she pulled the clothes iron out of the cupboard that he'd searched every nook and cranny.

"Told you so." She shot him a deathly glare, placing the stool before going into the kitchen.

"How did moms always do that?" Krist scratched his head in confusion while whispering to himself. He then unfold the iron board before switching on the clothes iron and proceed with ironing his clothes until they were all neat. When he was done, he said goodnight to his parents and got into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

Morning came and his mother rushed into his room, screaming in annoyance, "Your alarm has been blaring for almost half an hour. Get your ass up or you'll be late for work."

Krist groaned as he pulled his blanket to cover his shoulders but his mother pull it away, "Get up, Kit!"

He sleepily sat up and saw his mother with a spatula in hand.

"Don't fall back asleep. Go get ready now." She said and Krist nodded while still in a daze. He could feel the drowsiness creeping back and he was going to lie back down when he was jolted awake by another scream.

"Get up, Perawat Sangpotirat!"

Hey guys, I hope you like this story as the plot proceeds, the first few chapters are more on telling Krist's background and all that. About future updates, I'll be starting a new semester of university next week and I'll be really busy so updates might be really slow, please be patient with me and I'll try my best to upload whenever I can. Thanks for reading and see you in the next update❤️

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