Chapter 20: An Odd One Out

Start from the beginning

I am grasping his left arm, cuff hugging his wrist as I open my mouth to speak.

"Landon Thorne, you are under arrest for all of your previously convicted crimes." I pray that Jackson is blind as my hands and voice tremble, just as much as Landon isn't. I clasp one handcuff around his wrist.

"As well as the rest after. Prison escape, murder of your inmate, kidnapping of a government agent, his family." I occupy his other wrist with the cuff, now pulling him into a sitting position. His face is barely inches away and I have no idea what to do.

But I know what I am obliged to.

"And killing a Bureau agent." I finish, closing in the cuff harshly on his wrist.

"Clear." the SWAT team is informing us as I pull Landon up, this time completely avoiding even looking in his direction as I leave him with them, sprinting down the stairs.

What is happening? I don't understand anything.

"Dad." My head is turned at the sound of Leah's voice immediately. Just as fast as I spot her, she is in my arms, both of us gripping for dear life.

She is finally in my arms, safe and out of danger.

I should feel happy and relieved.

I should.

Why don't I?

"Bad guys lost this one, dad?" she yell-whispers that in my ear. She takes that after her mother, she never knew how to be quiet when whispering either.

I chuckle, patting her head as I move my eyes to the side, seeing Lilah being pushed through the doors, Celine close by as she tries to fight back, but in vain.

Caitlin has her own arms to comfort herself as the pale face stays set on the door.

"Yes." I harmlessly lie to my child. "They lost, honey."

Did they?

"Something is wrong here, Jackson." I pull him to the side as soon as we are out of the building. Numerous cars and vans are parked here, civilians and press are creating circles of masses around. Next to those three, only Rafael was caught, while Meredith and Edward were nowhere in sight.

The local police are still searching for them, but knowing them is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Exactly knowing that, how did they allow this?

"What do you mean?" he raises an eyebrow as I glance at the side and see Landon being led in the back of black van, surrounded by SWAT agents.

My eyes sting, throat burns and head is screaming, but I keep my posture.

"It feels too easy." I rush out, hands sweating as the ground feels like cracked glass. "Nothing makes sense. If they learned I called you immediately, why wouldn't they leave the same second or even try to cover up their-"

"Winter." My head snaps at him, slightly shocked to be called by my first name, but his face is serious. "You are worrying too much about this. You know how narcissists and egoistic they are. They always think they are invincible. Their confidence is what helps us take them down all the time."

That is true for most people like them, but not for them.

"Still, I don't trust them-"

"Of course you don't. Nobody does."

I shake my head. "You don't understand-"

"I do."


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