Chapter 2: (Y/N), Ash and Goh

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The Legendary Pokémon suddenly flapped its wings and a gust of wind hit the Dancing Pokémon, which fell to the ground to the surprise of its trainer, who ran to it to see the state of his Pokémon. Meanwhile, Ash had arrived at the harbour, but he had no time to order his Pokémon to fight as the Pokémon flew elsewhere and the two boys chased it to defeat it.

Ash: Lugia!

(Y/N): You won't escape me, you coward! We haven't finished our fight.

The Lugia arrived near a hill as the two began to climb the hill in hopes of reaching the Pokémon: They decided to take a big risk and jumped off the hill towards the Legendary Pokémon. Fortunately, they managed to catch the Pokémon's paw before noticing the presence of an unknown boy who had managed to get on the Pokémon at the same time as them.

(Y/N)/Ash/???: Who are you?!

The Pokémon began to spin to the surprise of the trio, who were afraid of falling and screamed in terror. A moment later, the Pokémon was flying over the sea, where many aquatic Pokémon such as Gyarados and Staryu lived. (Y/N) had managed to get on the Legendary's back before helping Ash and the boy that he didn't know as they felt reassured after escaping a fall.

The expression on (Y/N)'s face changed to show admiration at the beauty of the scenery and the unique chance he had to fly on the back of a Legendary Pokémon. Lugia roared before suddenly rising into the sky to the panic of the three boys as the Pokémon now flew with a group of flying Pokémon.

(Y/N): What are those Pokémon? His eyes sparkled at the sight of unknown Pokémon species.

Ash: They are Fearow!

???: Flearow fly as high as Lugia, they must have an amazing flying power!

Lugia began to descend rapidly into the sea, shining like a jewel. The Legendary Pokémon sent a blast towards the water, causing a huge hole in the middle of the sea and a rainbow appeared above the water to the amazement of the young boys and Ash's Pikachu who were admiring this magnificent spectacle given by Lugia.

Like Ash, (Y/N) was surprised by a mysterious voice that seemed to come from Lugia as he glanced at the Legendary with confusion and the Pokémon entered the water to the surprise of the passengers on its back who could observe the various Pokémon species living in the seas.

In the depths of the sea, illuminated by the soft sunlight, (Y/N) could see with his own eyes Pokémon species not living in Paldea like Poliwag or a Dewgong that passed near him. His eyes widened at the sight of a group of Tentacool as those Pokémon were very similar to the Toedscool of his region, but those lived in the water unlike those of Paldea who lived in the forest, two different ways of life for similar Pokémon.

They began to be out of breath as they couldn't breathe underwater before the winged Pokémon suddenly came out of the water to save the young boys as they tried to get their breath back after the trip under the sea.

(Y/N): It was so amazing! There were so many Pokémon that don't live my region, I want to catch them all!

Ash: Yeah, you're right! It was awesome to meet so many Pokémon! Their statements made the other boy travelling with them on Lugia's top laugh.

???: You are really funny, you two! All right, I accept you!

(Y/N): Huh? What do you mean?

???: I accept you as my friends. I'm Goh from Vermillion City. He said as he introduced himself.

Ash: I'm Ash from Pallet Town and this is my partner, Pikachu. He presented his Pokémon, which jumped on his shoulder.

(Y/N): And I'm (Y/N) from Paldea region, nice to meet you Goh! They joined their fists to seal the beginning of their friendship before the Lugia began to reach land and flew over long green plains stretching as far as the eye could see with mountains in the background.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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