a plan?

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I'm so sorry I haven't been writing, I am trying my hardest, just really busy

Bionic's POV
I was lost in thought before I got snapped out of it by doni screaming my name, "what the hell!?" I asked in anger at doni, "dude you weren't responding we had to do something" doni kinda yelled back while Quiff stayed quiet, he's been awfully quiet, "hey Doni is Quiff ok?" I ask Doni, "I'm fine just thinking" Quiff say from the call, "about?" I ask him and he stays silent before answering with, "a plan to get off that server" I was surprised that he's still thinking of a plan I gave up, "do you have one?" I ask him curious, "no" he says in a stearn voice, I put my hand on my head and groan, "something wrong?" Doni asks me, "oh um yeah just some pain in my head" I say to him assuring him that I'm ok, "if you say so... Wait I got an idea!" Doni says to us, I could tell him was smiling brightly, his plans are never good but what do we have to lose, "what's your idea doni?" I ask him doing my best not to sound like, your plans gonna fail like always, "what if we try and, lag out the server?" Doni says his foolish plan out load and I just look at him like he's crazy, "that would kill us all idiot" I say to him with an angered tone, "wow calm down Bionic it was just an idea" Quiff says to me trying to calm me down, I take deep breaths and look back at the discord call, "sorry... I'm just scared" I apologize to them, "everyone is Bionic, your not alone" doni says in a reassuring voice, making me feel a lot better, "thanks nerd" I happily say to them while smiling but of course they couldn't see my smile, "i have an idea" quiff says to us in a excited voice, "what's your plan Quiff?" I ask him, "what if we try and reset the server, maybe that would work, "i mean what do we have to lose" doni says as I think he goes into Minecraft
"Let's hope this works"

Do you think the plans gonna work or will it end in a disaster? Find out next on weird smp.. Yeah I'll stop now sorry, anyway so I'm going to be grinding this book because i really want to finish this book so I can get it out of the way and stuff so please don't let mad if I don't post any other chapters on other books, I literally have no ideas for them but I have ideas for this book so please don't get mad

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