Werewolf's angel

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" Your boyfriend is a slave of king ..... and you are a minister's daughter ..... are you serious like how have you two get along ?" lisa mocked at rosie who was hopping on horse while lisa was taking the horse belt to direct it where to go, they were in that wild forest from that day because for some stupid reason of rosie's feeling toward of her fiancé made her to went on some unknown path and that ultimately made them lost in that wild forest. If lisa was not following rosie then rosie would be all dead a long ago.

" Someone's profession doesn't describe there love toward you ..... he is the most kind hearted guy i have ever known in my life ..... he already lived a slave life but he treated me like a queen when he came home so it doesn't made a differnece to me" rosie said to lisa with so much admiring eyes of her fiancé because she knew that she is in love with this guy too much already" and you know what lisa .... anybody would fall in love instantly i bet it ..... as soon as some one would see in his eyes ..... and after talking to him , you just sink on them deeper and deeper ..... and there is no comeback ..... he is so soft to hurt ..... he is so strong to protect .... he is so good in everything " rosie explained to lisa while imagining the image of jimin in his brain who was smiling to rosie giving her a beautiful gift when she was a child, a beautiful moment of her life when she found that she was falling for that guy.

" two angels giving each other compliments ..... sounds funny and also fascinating " lisa said and chuckled afterward while practically tightening her grip around the belt after hearing so much praising of an unknown guy and she is feeling like ugly because of rosie ethereal beauty around her and then rosie describing about a guy who is practically impossible to exist as if rosie living in an imaginary world and that guy is living there too with her. " as if i had done a cruel work by saving her " lisa whispered to herself while rolling his eyes in annoyance of rosie.

They stopped near a pond because horse was thirsty and need to rest so that they would ride again on him and find a way out from this wild forest. Lisa helped rosie to hopped off from horse and rosie passed her charming smile for lisa because she was happy to have lisa in this wild forest with her which she unfortunately misunderstood in the very starting and slapped her , rosie regret her action toward lisa because rosie found that lisa is a strong girl with kind heart but her smiled caused lisa to become body weak and lisa lost her balance.

Lisa hand slipped to grab rosie's waist to protect her from getting hurt and lisa eyes went wide when she realised that she touched rosie's bare skin of her waist because rosie was wearing crop top which made lisa cheek flashed red in color because she was already feeling uneasy in her heart because of  so close presence of rosie and then that touched made her heart went go crazy. " oh i am sorry .... i didn't mean to-" lisa stopped talking when rosie passed her all famous angelic giggled to lisa and only lisa could know that how lisa's heart suddenly stopped for a second because lisa never felt this way for anyone in her whole life ' i don't want to admit but ..... i would lie to myself if i say i am not falling for her and how can anyone would not for this beautiful creature and she only made me it hard to control my own feeling toward her  .... by passing each second together ......some time i wish we would never find a way to get out from here ' 

" you are so cute .... while shying like that " rosie said to lisa which made lisa embarrassed more because she is so strong and she never went shy for anyone because it made her feel weak but some how she was liking the way rosie noticed her expression. " i-i ... i am no-not " lisa stuttered while answering  rosie and started to looked down just to ignore the eye contact with rosie. " are you into girls ? " rosie asked to lisa while looking straight into lisa which made lisa to looked up immediately into rosie's eyes because she never expect rosie to ask such a question so directly. ' do i made it that obvious to her ? '

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