Marty Mcfly

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I get in the car as James buckled his seatbelt. I suppose since James was driving I could at him, places I don't usually look.

I take my phone out to text Kirk about this situation I'm having.

kirk i want to die



what'd he do.

he wore... grey sweatpants.

ouhhhhh 😏😏 he knows what he's doin


chill out...

i can't he's like fr so attractive

"You okay? You're all giggly right now." James brings his attention to me as we stop at a red light.

"Hmmm yeah. Just talking to Kirk!" I smile at James. "Yeah... Kirk.." James quietly sighs bringing his attention back forward.

kirk help

what now

i was like giggling or some shit and james asked what i was giggling at, i told him i was texting you. he sighed and said "yeah.. kirk" like really quietly

you are so mean


he thinks you're in love with me :( he clearly wants you

kirk i keep telling you this. he doesn't feel that way for me and i don't think i feel that way for him.

you know what i give up. tell me when you finally realizing your dumbass is in love. it's always "noo i can't imagine us like that 🥺" "he doesn't like me 🥺" OH MY GOD HE WANTS YOU SO BAD.

alrighty. i'll think about it. you know, i do kind of like him that way i'm just scared to admit it. i'm just scared of getting in another relationship. i know james is absolutely not the type of guy to put me through what my ex did to me i'm just so scared of it happening again.

that's really understandable. y/n just trust me, you're going to realize. you 2 are amazing together. whenever i see you and james, he's looking at you so softly, you look at him the same. when he looks at you and you look at him, his eyes just sparkle, he's so madly in love with you.

i need to apologize to james

alright. enjoy your movie ;)

ah casual kirk!!

bye bye <3


I put my phone into my pocket. "James.." I say. "What." he croaks.

"I'm sorry" I sighed. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Why?"

"When I was giggling and I told you I was talking to Kirk. I wasn't flirting with him or anything. I was telling him about you, in a good way." I quietly admit to him.

He looked at me with a big smile plastered on his face, I had to smile back at him. His smile just made me feel so much better.

We had arrived at the theatre, our movie started at 5:30, it was 5:15. We had barely enough time to get popcorn and through the entire lineup.

"Wanna share a popcorn?" James asks me as we enter the theatre. I nod, "Yeah! As long as we get layered butter."

He laughs at me and nods.

I had given James the opportunity to pick the movie.

"Why hello sir.." the worker leans on the counter admiring James. "Uhm... hello. Can we get 2 tickets for Back to the Future?" James says, he looked uncomfortable. I was so glad he picked Back to the Future, one of the greatest movie ever made, second one was bound to be amazing.

"Is that all?" she asks James. "No. Can we get a large popcorn with layered butter and a large coke please." he asks. "Of course... would you like my number on the side?" she whispered to him, what the hell kind flirting is this.

"Let me think, no. Stop flirting with me." James was wildly bold about that. To be honest, her flirting with James made me... jealous. Was glad it was over.

"Fine. Here's your stupid food or whatever." she hands us our popcorn, drink and tickets.

"Wait why'd you get one drink?" I ask James picking it up. "To share it." he winks at me, the worker scoffing. He was purposely making her jealous.

We hand our tickets to the worker outside the theatre, luckily it was a random guy bored out of his mind and not some girl trying to get with every man possible.

We head in, James leading me up the stairs to the top row. "I got us some seats where no one will see us" he winks at me, I was flustered by that. It luckily was too dark for him to see.

Maybe Kirk was right. 

I sit next to James, we were sitting in seats that were basically couches, so James and I could get extra close. "Thank you for this, James!" I tell him, placing my hand on his thigh.

He gasped lightly, "N-no problem.." he groans. I pull my hand away, I decided tonight was my time to flirt back.

There was about 5 minutes until the movie started, James and I survived all the previews. "Oh shit these recline!" I tell James, he looked happy.

James and I reclined our seats, basically enough so we could lay down.

"Come here" James pulls me towards him by the waist, us cuddling on the comfy chairs.

The movie started, James and I slightly sat up. He had the popcorn placed on his lap. "James could you have put the popcorn anywhere else?" I whispered to him.

He chuckled and moves the popcorn between us. I reach over him to grab the drink, he laughs at my struggle.


"Great movie, every time" James says. The movie had come to an end sadly. "God I love back to the future." I sigh of happiness.

"Now do you like it cause it's a good movie or cause Marty is attractive to you?" James smirks at me. I laugh a bit, "Let's say both. Mostly cause it's amazing movies though."

We leave the theatre, "Agh it's cold.." I complain. "We're almost at the car." James brings me closer to him.

I run to the car when it was in sight, anxiously waiting for James to unlock the car. He was being   annoying and refusing to unlock it.

He got to the car, but instead of getting into the drivers seat he came over to me. "You want in the car?" he asks me. One of his hands were holding him up as he leaned on the car, one was on my hip.

"I saw you looking. I wore these for a reason." he said as he trailed his hand up my waist. He was making me feel something. Something much different. I wanted something from James. A lot at this moment.

"James-" he cut me off. "Shh. I just want you." he tells me, pulling my face up. He inches closer to me, our lips just centimetres apart.

"James... I'm cold... can we finish this, in a warmer environment?" I push him away from me.

He lets out a frustrated sigh, getting into the car. I get into the car calmly, James looked frustrated the entire time. I can tell he was touch starved, boy I loved teasing him.

He started playing music from the radio as loud as he could, to block out any possible sounds.

He did this the entire way until we were home. He got out of the car as we had gotten back, slamming the door. I had a smile on my face as I follow him.

He was inside taking off his boots already, running into his room.

I followed him, leaning against the door frame, watching him frustratedly take off his shirt as he flops onto the bed.

"Y/N, what do you want." he asks me. I look him up and down, with a smile.

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