Camp Cretacious

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Peter has never really travelled around much throughout his entire life as a master thief, at least, not internationally. He has traveled across the States when it came to various jobs and heists, but he's never stolen anything from across the globe. So you can imagine his excitement when he travelled across Costa Rica in a helicopter so he could get to the boat that would bring him to his true destination; Isla Nublar, Jurassic World, his biggest score yet.

The helicopter ride was pretty short as he finally got to the boat and boarded. He was the first one here, which is good as he can monitor the other campers that arrive. One of them is a spy for Mantah Corp, so he needs to watch them closely and determine which one is most likely the spy. Once he figures that out, maybe he can get ahead of the game with them, and steal whatever they're trying to take.

'I doubt whoever Mantah Corp sends is a professional like me. If they're also going to be attending this stupid camp, then they're kids to, and no kid has my set of skills.' Peter thought to himself as he boarded the boat with a backpack strapped to him and carrying a suitcase.

So for the next hour he watched as more campers begin to arrive and board the boat, with Peter inspecting each of them with an inquisitive look. The first to arrive was a young teenage girl with, oddly enough, pink dyed hair and wearing a pink jacket, who seemed to recording herself and talking like she had an audience. Must be a blogger of some kind, as she did seemed kind of familiar to him. The second to arrive a was a teenage boy who looked to be a bit on the scrawny side, wearing a green jacket and shorts. He seemed pretty hesitant about getting on the boat; probably has a case of sea sickness.

The third to arrive was a girl with short black hair, with a hairband on it, wearing a black jacket and dark jeans. Unlike the previous boy who looked like he didn't want to be there, she looked the most elated and seemed to radiate excitement as she boarded the boat, and seemed to have a southern accent when he heard her talk. The fourth one to arrive was another girl with Arabian descent, with long black hair tied into a ponytail and seemed to be wearing a tracksuit for some reason. She seemed content with arriving on the boat, but Peter noticed that she seemed to keep just a bit distance from the others. The final one to arrive was a dark skinned boy with short hair and wore a yellow jacket over a white shirt. He seemed excited to be here and had an aura of just child-like innocence.

After inspecting each of them, Peter had to admit, he couldn't figure out which one was the Mantah Corp spy right off the bat, meaning he'd have to keep an eye on them.

Soon the boat sailed off and they were now off to Isla Nublar. It was smooth sailing and Peter just stayed up on the upper deck, enjoying the sea breeze and the smell of the ocean. A nice, quiet, relaxing trip.

"Hey there!" Peter jumped back a bit as the short-haired girl just appeared right beside him with a huge smile on her face. "Can you believe we're actually going to a summer camp at Jurassic World? This is so exciting!"

"Yeah...pretty exciting." Peter said slowly, not really sure how to take this girl's bubbly attitude.

"I'm Sammy Gutierrez! It's nice to meet you!" The now named Sammy said as she held out her hand for him to shake, which he did out of politeness. "I saw you up here by yourself and figured I'd be the first to say hi."

"Well, hi there, I'm Peter. Peter Bogart." He introduced himself.

"Now that we know each other-" Sammy said.

"I wouldn't say that." Peter mumbled.

"-let's go introduce ourselves to the others." Sammy said as he then yanked his arm and pulled him towards where the other future campers were to introduce himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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