The Master Thief

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A crowd gathered in the middle of a room at a museum, brimming with excitement at the new exhibit that would be opening. The museum was full of honored guests, reporters, and a few security guards that were making sure that the reveal went off without a hitch. At the center of the room was a display that was covered by a tarp and a pedestal with a microphone.

The room became quiet when a man, the curator for this museum, walked up and stood on the pedestal and tapped the microphone before speaking. "Thank you all for coming. I am pleased to announce that the latest entry into our museum is ready to be unveiled. This exhibit has been a long time coming, and I am proud to reveal it to all of you, in order to be the first to witness it's beauty."

The curator looked to the side and nodded, signaling a worker to come by and unveil it. Everyone was in awe by the exhibit, which was a glass case that held a small blue statue of a woman in regal clothes holding a scepter while riding a chariot pulled by two horses. The paparazzi went nuts as they took plenty of photos of it.

"The statue of Selene II, the first Queen of Vlatava nearly a century ago." The curator announced with a big smile. "This statue may be small, but it is made by pure sapphire, in honor of the past queen's dark blue eyes. It took years to carve it, but the sculptor put his heart and sole into it." The crowd clapped again as everyone got a good look at the beautiful statue.

One particular patron with a camera stepped forward and took a picture with keen eyes. This person looked to be in his mid-teens, while wearing a black cap over his head and a tan jacket. He wore a press badge around his neck as he continued to take a few more pictures.

"Now then, everyone, feel free to explore the rest of this fabulous museum while also admiring our latest exhibit." The curator said welcoming. "Hors D'oeurves and drinks will be offered for everyone."

The crowd soon dispersed with some looking at the small sapphire statue, while others went off to check out other parts of the museum, or grab something to eat and drink. The the young teen, however, stayed put to take a few more pictures, and after taking a few more pics of the statue, he started pointing his camera at other points in the room, such as where the security cameras were. He put his camera down and smirked as he started walking off.

The teen walked off and reached into his coat pocket, before pulling out what appeared to be four red stickers in the shape of an x. He stood in the corner and aimed perfectly, before he flicked three of the red x stickers onto the cameras in the room, and placing the final sticker on the wall behind him.

With that taken cared of, the young teen just walked out of the party and through the exit doors, making his way down the sidewalk. He removed his hat to reveal his dark brown hair with a red streak on it.

Ring! Ring!

The teen reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a phone to answer it. "You're a go."

"We have an assignment for you. It involves-"

"Oooh, could you put a pin on that till tonight?" The teen interrupted with a cheeky smirk on his face. "I actually have a job tonight so I'm going to have to call you back."

"Don't you dare hang up on-"

The teen hung up on the caller before he could even complete his sentence. "He is so gonna be mad." He said without a care in the world.

The teen continued to walk, before making his way to a storage lot and made his way passed multiple lockers. He came up to one storage locker and put in the code on the lock to open it.

The locker was really spacious with the far side of the wall being covered with what many would call a conspiracy wall. It was covered with pictures of various spots along the museum with blueprints of the interior. The teen gave the wall a once over, before giving a nod of approval and walking up to the other side of the storage locker, and smirking in satisfaction by what he was looking at.

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