So it begins

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(Doorbell rings)


At the door was some sort of delivery girl. It was pouring out, yet she didn't seem to care.

"Hello, do you know a Tommy Turnip?"

"Uhm... Its Turnball... and yeah that's me."

"Then this is for you!"

The delivery girl gave Tommy a letter, and then promptly ran off... no delivery truck no delivery process thing no nothing.

"What kind of delivery girl was she?" Tommy thought to himself.

Upstairs were Robotboy Gus and Lola all playing (insert videogame here) with Robotgirl watching and cheering everyone but Gus on

The tv then showed a screen saying GUS WINS

*Gus yawns*

"What is it, nap time?"

"Nah i just fell asleep for sec case that was so easy."


"Easy W"


"Easy W Easy W"

"Why you-"

Tommy walked in before the two could start fighting.

"Oh, there you are!"

He has said it as if Tommy were late to something.

"What that?"

"I dunno, some weird delivery girl lady gave it to me."

"Open it! It could be filled with money!"

"Always money isn't it?"

Tommy opened the letter and read.

"Listen, i can't tell you much. All i can really tell you is about Protoboy. Your gonna wanna listen, this is pretty important."


"The thing is, Protoboy didn't want to do all those horrible things to you. He was being controlled by a virus. More specifically the Insanity Virus. It's a dangerous plugin that could turn the sweetest robot on earth into an irredeemable monster. It can also be used for many other things which makes it pretty popular among villains. Because of this, Protoboy is now the target of..."

It might have been the rain, but the note was cut off, including the name. All that remained were some coordinates to where Protoboy was supposed to be.

"Woah, what the heck was that?!"

"Man idk?! Why are you asking me?!"

"Nobody was asking you idiot!"

"STOP! Brother in danger!"

"Dude, are you nuts?! Why don't you just let the ugly robot die?"

"Because Robotboy rather live with Protoboy forever than Gus! Gus stupid fool!"


"ENOUPH! I'm sorry Ro, but Gus has a point. How do we even know this is real to begin with?"

Almost on que, a robot distress signal went off. The RDS was a system Moshimo had installed in case Robotboy or his sister were in danger. It also worked with robots that had similar tech but didn't have it, like Protoboy.

Just to rub it in that this was serious, the coordinates given were almost identical to the ones on the letter.

*Dead silence*

"...Please? Can we help brother?"

"Alright fine... But don't be mad at me if this is some kind of trick, okay?"

Robotboy sprang up. He was pretty exited despite the likely danger.


They arrived at some sort of abandoned house in the middle of the woods. They entered reluctantly.

Almost immediately they heard screaming.


It was Protoboy. As Ro peeked through the closet, he saw him. The Prototype was hooked up to some kind of machine, and was being stared down by another robot, presumably whoever was mentioned in the letter.

"I can't. I'm gonna need that virus."


"HEY! Let brother go!"


"Listen Robotboy. I'm really not in the mood to deal with you... I'm a bit busy."

"What?! How you know me?!"

"Let's just say I've heard some things about you."

By this point, the rest of the group had entered the room, only adding to the letter robot's anger.

"What the- Who are you!?"

"Shut up!"

She pulled on some lever.

Protoboy cried out in pain as the virus was removed, emptying into a USB.

Robotboy and Robotgirl tried to stop the process, but the robot stood her ground until it was too late.

The machine let go and Protoboy collapsed to the ground. The letter robot grabbed the USB with the virus with it and escaped.

Everyone turned to the unconscious prototype. Reluctantly, they decided to take back to Moshimo's lab. 

Robotboy: Best wishes (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now