"Oh God, Bruce! Hi, I-I wasn't expecting you to call. What can I do for you?" - Was it about work or was it about your message? - "Mr. Reese is in a meeting right now, but he would be available in about 10 minutes..." Again you could hear a soft laugh. "I didn't want to talk to Reese. Actually, I wanted to see you. Are you free right now? I'll send you an official appointment so Reese won't ask questions. See you in ten minutes in my office?" Your inner self was going crazy right now. "Anytime, Mister Wayne. I'll see you then." You hung up with a big grin on your lips. Bruce sounded relaxed and cheerful. Like he just wanted to see you. But now - of course -  the self-doubts came. He sounded friendly, but did he want to talk to you because of the conversation with Batman or because he wanted to see you? But why would he want to see you? So it had to do with Batman. A thousand thoughts ran through your head again. It was awful being an overthinker. You really wished you could just go about your day, doing and risking everything possible and never having to worry about what might happen or why who said what or what thousand options there were. But that was something you couldn't shake off so easily. So the joyful feeling for the time being was covered. Covered by thick clouds of worry and queasy feeling.

You had, of course, immediately tidied up your desk and placed Reese's travel documents on his desk - with a little note that you had a meeting with Bruce Wayne, would be going home afterwards, but wished him a good journey. With all your things, you finally went to Bruce's office. Yes, it felt somehow special, as a no-name - that's how you felt - to just stroll into his office and to be expected. By him.

"Y/N, good to see you. Have a seat, please.", it was really refreshing how friendly Bruce always greeted you and it seemed sincere. Like he was genuinely happy to see you. You were able to finish this dream a little, weren't you? You took a seat, "I'm glad to see you too, Bruce. What can I do for you?", you cleared your throat briefly and the excitement rose in you. It was different to write his name than to actually use it. It was probably ridiculous to worry about it, but there it was again: overthinking. You didn't want to be rude.

"Listen, Y/N. I don't know much about yesterday, but I wanted to tell you that I'm here for you. You don't have to turn to Batman if you're scared or worried. Or even in trouble. You can always call me and count on me." That was the last thing you expected. You didn't even know how to react. Bruce Wayne offered you his help? When you weren't feeling well? Why? It didn't make any sense. No sense at all. Instead of just accepting it and saying thank you, you had to take him up on it. "Bruce. Don't get me wrong, I think that's incredibly thoughtful and ... kind. I just don't understand why. We barely know each other, exchanged a few sentences and now you want to help me? If I should be in trouble? Not that I'm not grateful, but it's a mystery to me. Help, especially from strangers," and that's what you were after all, "is never for free. I have nothing to offer."

Bruce was obviously puzzled by this reaction. But he was enough of a judge of character to know that you didn't have it easy in life and had to pay for everything. Probably for every kindness. Even though he really hardly knew you, it broke his heart to know how broken you seemed to be. He felt like he wanted to protect you and show you that not all people had to be a disappointment and he himself couldn't even explain why that was. After all, you were a stranger. But that's exactly what he wanted to change. You should no longer be a stranger. "I don't expect any payment, Y/N. I understand your doubts. But you can believe me, I mean no harm. You spoke of Scarecrow and I know what it's like to be haunted by nightmares. Sometimes you can't get out on your own, sometimes you need someone to stand by you and I see a young, intelligent young woman in front of me with the world open to her and something haunting her. I don't expect payment or anything in return. Only your trust."

"Maybe I'm already getting help?" was your answer, which caused silence for a moment. Deep down you knew it was a lie. After all, your so-called help was the trigger of your fear and at the same time exactely what you wanted. Because it brought you closer to that one person. God, it was so toxic and you did nothing against it. The opposite. You even MISSED him. His voice, his eyes.

The silence in the room felt terrible. Your hands played restlessly with each other before you unconsciously began to scratch the back of your hand. Again and again. There was so much building up inside you right now and one wrong word would be enough to make you burst into tears in front of the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. Bruce had given you a moment, but then went over to you and carefully took hold of your wrist. He gently stroked the irritated spot on the back of your hand. "Even though it may be strange or new for you, Y/N, I would like to offer my help. Without ulterior motives. It is entirely up to you whether you actually accept the help, but keep my name in mind. But let me make this statement: Whoever is trying to help you does not seem to be good at it. Take care of yourself. Get rid of whatever haunts you. Or at least, try."

Fuck. Wasn't it actually said that Bruce Wayne was a rich, arrogant and insufferable guy? Why was he the exact opposite with you? If he would continue being this perfect guy you would fall for him. You knew it. It drove you nuts and even if you had trouble trusting someone, you wanted to give them a chance. With a slight nod, you agreed with his statement that you would keep him in mind. Your lips formed a wordless thank you, to which Bruce just smiled. "By the way... if you see Batman. I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I wasn't particularly friendly and that's not really my style. There's just a lot going on right now." "Don't worry about him."
A good hour passed during which you had a little chat. About trivial things like the love of Gotham itself, all the architecture and what the city could have been without all the criminals. But one thing became clear to you during your conversation - Bruce Wayne was not this arrogant guy, he was a man who had his heart in the right place. He even drove you home, even though you insisted he didn't have to. But as a perfect gentleman, it was his concern. Who knows, maybe Batman had chatted and told him about Scarecrow following you home and he wanted to protect you from that. "Thank you very much, Bruce. Have a good evening." - with these words you said goodbye and arrived home completely exhausted after an unexpected day at work. With all that was happening, you had even forgotten your phone. And possible messages from him.

2 unread messages2 hours ago: I've been busy, but I could really use you. Meet me in Arkham, in my office. JC

Now: It seems you have replaced me? I don't approve, Y/N. Don't forget our deal. You don't want the ones you love to become my experiments. JCYou froze. Fear overcame you. Was he watching you? What did that mean? With shaky hands you decided to call him. "J-Jonathan. I-I..." - he interrupted you immediately. "No, Y/N. Don't find any excuses at all. I told you the other day. You're mine and just because I give you a week to rest doesn't mean you can go out with other men." Even though you were worried about what he might do, you wondered at the same time if you could hear jealousy. "He's the CEO. It was business." - "Your body language and smile say otherwise. Open the door."

Open the door. He was here. Here with you. But this wouldn't be a social visit or some dinner together. His dark, serious voice told you that you would apparently have to atone for a) not answering him and b) having another man drive you home. You were not ready for that right now. Ready for his fear toxin and the feeling of fear. Actually, you wanted to meet the Jonathan who was loving and tender with you. Not his dark side. But that's not how life was, right? Life wasn't a song. A song you could chose to play at the jukebox. Life was full of surprises and unfortunately often enough of bad surprises. You threw your phone on the sofa and went directly to the door. It didn't matter - you had to open the door. You couldn't get out of this. And you didn't want anyone to get hurt or to be sent to Arkham. By God, you should have opened up to Batman the other night. So you opened the door and looked at him. Wearing his mask. "Not today. Please. Just be Jonathan today." - your opposite shook his head and tilted it. "Ssshh.., Y/N. You knew how our agreement works." and with that you inhaled the toxin. His fear toxin. 

Author's note:
Here I am again! I want to thank you all for reading and rating my story. It really means the world to me! 
There is a loooot coming and a big part of it will be the confusion about being amazed by TWO men. Bruce and Jonathan. Good and Evil!

Stay tuned!

xx N

P.S.: gif found via google - GIF on GIFER - by Umlhala

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