I'm afraid of you.

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Monday. The weekend passed racing fast and there hasn't been a single second without a thought of Jonathan Crane or the Scarecrow. All your thoughts and possible connections were written down in a small black notebook. Your intention for this notebook was to use it as a diary but you've always been to lazy to really write down what happened every day. Especially as your days seemed to be all the same: Work, getting home, eating, watching TV - restart.

This little notebook was so important that it - from now on - would always be in your bag. You loved doing long walks and you had the best ideas and thoughts during them - so it would be important to have it with you. Even at work.

You couldn't concentrate at all but lucky you, Reese has been on a short business trip so it felt more like a free day. You've finished all your tasks in the morning and now it was time to think about everything that happened - again. It seemed like you were only thinking about this topic but whenever you were enthusiastic about something you started a little obsession and all your thoughts sticked to your new obsession. This time: Scarecrow and Dr. Jonathan Crane.

Did he really leave the room? I have to remember every single detail. BOTH are obsessed with fears - coincidence? NO! NEVER!
You wrote down every thought - sometimes you wrote down the same things with different relations but every connection could be the key for your investigations.

Suddenly a mail popped up. You rubbed your eyes before you looked at the bright screen. It was from Reese. „God, no.", you mumbled rolling your eyes. This could only mean you should work extra hours, get him another flight back or copying stuff for Thursday. Not that you already copied everything for his upcoming meetings - but he loved to change one word. One simple word and he wanted you to copy the WHOLE document. Again. Not only the edited page - no. He loved to bully you a bit.

Invitation: Wayne Party - Okay the subject sounded amazing and you could feel a little jealousy. A Wayne Party? If you only would be important enough to visit one. Getting all dressed up, looking beautiful and having your Cinderella moment. And the universe wanted you to get your dream come true. I want you to join me. As my Assistent of course. Dress well, no champagne - it's work. I need someone to join me and get my documents ready. „Ah, yeah, sure. You want to talk to Bruce Wayne hoping he's drunk so you get some signatures." You shrugged it off. It didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was: You would be going to a fancy party. „Best day EVER!", you clapped your hands and so you finally could think about something else. Not only about your - possibly - psychotic therapist and his friend Scarecrow.

After this news time flew by. The only thing you did was checking online for beautiful dresses and shoes. But nothing really convinced you. You decided to go shopping tomorrow - because for today you had an important appointment. Your alarm clock reminded you - as you've always been late to Crane. Actually you've been a person who hated to be late as you saw it as a disrespectful action. But somehow you never managed it to get to the Doctor in time. Maybe it was a sign? You saw signs in everything, so this had to be one as well, right? You switched off your alarm clock, got everything done to leave your office and got yourself a Taxi.

Usually you never called yourself a Yellow Cab but for Arkham you've felt more safe being driven than going by trains or busses. You were in a twisted situation because you were scared and worried to see Crane again but at the same time you couldn't wait to see him. Of course you haven't forgot about that one kiss or your agreement that on this day both of you're gonna start to act professional and start new. You kinda regretted this but it was better. Much better. Especially as you didn't know if you could trust him.

A shiver ran down your spine as you walked down the corridors through Arkham to get to his office. Not that you hated hospitals in total, an Asylum scared you. So the thought of being caught in one of those rooms because your mind didn't work well, or just because you were put inside out of nothing. By accident.

Trapped inside this madnessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin