Julia couldn't remember the last time she genuinely laughed.

"What is it," he asked her, gently moving her arm.

"Wake me up before you go-go," she answered, not looking at him. "It makes me happy every time I listen to it, and I can't help but move my shoulders," she said, smiling lightly, moving her shoulders back and forth.

He smiled at her, "I would have guessed Material Girl."

She looked at him with her teary blue eyes, "that's my third favorite," she responded, lifting three fingers.

"Now I get to ask you something."

He gently sat at the corner of her bed, making sure not to move her.

He waited for her to ask him a question, and he rested his hand by her feet. "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

His smile dropped a little; he was not prepared for a question like that.

He thought she would ask him something easy, like what's his favorite food. He brought his hand to his chin, thinking.

In five years, he would be 23. It seemed so far away.

He honestly didn't know, but there were a few things he wanted in his life during the next five years.

"I'm not too sure, but I want you and the baby in my future," he answered honestly.

Julia gasped softly; she didn't know if it was for the contraction she was feeling or the fact that Steve wanted her in his life.

"You do?" she couldn't help but ask. He nodded, "I do. I want to be part of the baby's life for their whole life, and I want to be by your side through it all. If you let me, and I hope you see me in your future."

"I want you to be part of my life. You are someone important to me."

He caressed her cheek, moving a strand of hair behind her ear "you are someone important to me, too," he said, leaning in and kissing her forehead.

Julia was happy they were on the same page.

She held her breath as she felt another contraction.

If she didn't move, sometimes the pain wouldn't be as bad. Steve moved her hair back, helping her get it out of her face. "Thank you," she said, gasping for air.

"Let's continue with the questions," she said after a few seconds. The pain was gone, but she knew it would come back again, and stronger.

It was his turn to ask a question. "You have three wishes: what would they be?"

As she groaned, feeling a contraction, she knew what one of her wishes would be.

Once the pain passed, she answered, "My number one right now would be for the labor and delivery to not be painful."

He gave her a sympathetic smile. He could never imagine the pain she was going through.

"My second wish is for everyone I care about to have a healthy life."

She looked at her hands as she thought of her last wish, "and my last wish is for Kim to be alive." She smiled softly, but this time she didn't cry when she mentioned her friend's name.

"Those are really good wishes." She always thought of everyone before herself. He would have used his wishes differently.

Julia moved uncomfortably on her bed. "Do you need to use the restroom," he asked. "Yes," she mumbled, extending her hand.

He helped her get out of the bed, and slowly they both walked to the restroom, with Steve not leaving her side.

Julia extended her hand to open the door to the restroom when she felt a gush of water falling between her legs. She felt as if she was peeing and had no control of it.

Julia moved her legs apart, a puddle surrounding her legs. Steve and Julia looked down with a shocked expression; it took them a few seconds to react.

"I will get the n-nurse," Steve said, looking down at his wet shoes. "Don't move. I'll be right back," he told her as he walked toward the door.

Julia didn't say anything; she was still processing the fact that her water broke.

The baby's head had moved downwards, putting pressure on the amniotic sac. She knew the baby could come within a few days, but she didn't expect it to be so soon. Her due date was in two weeks.

She slowly moved to the bed. An uncomfortable pain started again, making her stop halfway.

She took a deep breath in from her nose and exhaled through her pursed lips, closing her eyes.

Complete Chaos Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang