Square King Ranked Cup, Semi-finals Round One! Part 2!

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Still in Port Mackerel....
Your POV
At the stands....

I watch as the stage has been cleaned and prepped for Goggles match with Mochi. "How do you think the match will go?" Glasses asks me. I think about it for abit. "It's gonna be a bloodbath" I say as Glasses looked worried. "Don't scare the dude" Toby whispers to me. "Yeah yeah...but it's true..." I frown. I watched as I saw Goggles and them come out as the map had been fully cleaned out for the match. "Let's see how they do this" I state as I watch them on the spawners.

"Okay! It's time for the next match of the first round of the Semi-finals!" Pearl states. "The match will be held here in Port Mackerel!" Marina states. The crowd cheers. "Okay, for the teams! It's Team Blue-peror versus Team Crystal!" Pearl announced, the crowd cheered more. I stand to see how eventually this battle will test the teams in a intense battle that I know they weren't originally supposed to face, I know that after the Semi-finals it was just them going to face Vintage in the finals but us being here, we changed how the flow of the story. I kinda don't feel that bad about it. I then stare at Emperor and the others down below. Aloha comes from behind and hugs me. "Just because you won and beat us, don't let it get to your head~" Aloha says in a sing-song tone. "Yes, yes, but you guys are pretty easy to study and read" I state, making him pout. "Yeeeaaaaahhhh, those tenta Missiles were vvvvveerrrryyyy anoyyyinggg, hyuk" Mask says, walking up to me. "Yeah, don't let your next opponent take advantage of your skills." Army says, coming up in the wheelchair with Forge pushing it. Skull nods next to him. "Yeah, don't lose after just beating us" Rider says, smirking. "Famous last words...." I state making him squint. "But they're lucky, they're going against all girls~" Aloha says, admiring Mochi. I then signal Emperor.

Emperor's POV

I stand at the spawn with the others, and then I heard a noise that (Y/n) does to signal me. I turn to look at her. She signals me 'to watch their movements and see for weaknesses'. I nod and then get ready for the countdown. "This is going to be so much fun!" Goggles says, smiling. "I am rather curious of the other team, I mean, (Y/n) wants us to keep an eye on them" I suggested, making Headphones and Bobble nod. Goggles smiles and nods. "She's always helping us! She's a very great friend!" Goggles says, smiling. "Yes, she does look out for us" I smirk, I then look towards the other team known as Team Crystal. 'The leader is Crystal, I've heard enough about their skills in Ranked, but I don't think I've seen them do Turf Wars. As I think, as I look at each member and as Team Starlight, they're all a team of one gender. An all female team, they're very rare to find. I wonder if a certain X ranker is curious as well' I thought I looked to see Vintage actually here to watch. I then hold my dualies ready for this battle. "This is a bit nerve-racking, am I right, Bobble?" Headphones says. "Yeah! But as long as we're together, we got this!" Bobble smiles. "Yeah!" Goggles cheers. "Okay, time for the match to begin!" Marina states as we got ready.



That's when we charged for the Rainmaker. We were the first to arrive as it seemed. We all popped the barrier, and Goggles grabbed it. "Team Blue-peror has gotten the Rainmaker first!" Pearl states and the crowd went insane with cheers. I watched as I soon saw Range Blaster shots hit Goggles aggressively and splat him down. "Aaaaah!" Goggles shouts as he gets sent back to spawn. I then see who it was the Octoling, with her hair covering abit of her face as she wields the blaster, then she proceeded to shoot it at the Rainmaker as we were still in range I then dodge roll away only having Bobble Hat get splatted from the barrier being popped. Headphones managed to move out of range. "That was close!" Headphones says as I then see one of them grabbing it. She looked a lot more gentler than the Blaster user. Goggles then makes his way back. "I'm back!" He shouts, smiling. I noticed the girl holding the Rainmaker paused seeing Goggles and admiring him. She then got purple in the face. "Focus, Rosa!" The Blaster user states. Rosa then nods. "O-Okay, Nova..." she says as she still glances at Goggles. Goggles smiled at her, and that didn't seem to help them. She got more shy. It almost looked like she wanted to talk to him. I then see the Splat Roller user, who is their leader, appeared, and I avoided her attack. "Come on" she said. They started their attack and actually pushed us back. As I try to go attack Rosa, I get stopped by Mochi. She's very good with the Dark Tetra Dualies. I tried to fight her to keep her from the others, but Nova was after Headphones splatting her. Bobble got taken out by Rosa with her using the Rainmaker getting her, but seeing that she avoids attacking Goggles with it. I heard (Y/n) Signals me again. I slightly looked and saw her signal. 'Did you spot the weakness yet?'. My eyes widen. I nod, motioning I did. And I moved away as I went to Goggles. "Goggles get Rosa distracted" I say as he looks at me and then smiles. "Okay!" He says as he uses his abilities to avoid Crystal and Nova. I went back to stopping Mochi before she could make a path to our goal. "What an Intense fight!" Pearl states. Headphones snipes at Crystal, stopping her from attacking Goggles. As Nova goes to get her again, Bobble comes behind her and uses the Slosher at her Splatting Nova. "Tch!" She groaned after getting splatted. Mochi got annoyed enough that she moved a certain way and managed to splat me. "Ah" I say taken by surprise. Crystal came out of nowhere and splatted Goggles. "Rosa, this isn't the time to be distracted" Crystal says sternly. Rosa nodded and went back to focusing by trying to take the Rainmaker towards the goal. They were stopped by Headphones and myself. Crystal and Rosa stopped to have a stare down until Crystal started her attack. I dodged while Headphones took the shot and hit Rosa, splatting her and moving from her spot. "aaaah!" Rosa got sent back to spawn. Dropping the Rainmaker, and it got its barrier back up.

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