- Here it is. - Mike said, quickly handing the bag to Jonathan.

- Thanks. - Jonathan replied. - Will, what’s going on?

- Uh? - Will asked, disengaged from the conversation. - Nothing, I’m just… I need to go to the bathroom. - He replied and then left the room.

Seconds later, Will entered the bathroom and carefully closed the door. Now that he was alone, he could think about every feeling he had been keeping inside of him since he had left that shed with Mike.

He didn’t even know when his tears started to run down his face, or when that feeling he had in his chest began to grow. He just knew he didn’t want to feel that way, because it was not a good moment to be sensitive. It was actually the worst moment to be sensitive, given that they were all under the eye of the storm. Especially, Will.

But it was already late, it was too late, because he had been retaining too many emotions in just a few days.

Will let himself lean against the door of the bathroom, sliding down to the ground, unable to hold back his tears.  He always used to feel really bad for crying, because he was not supposed to. But, unfortunately, he always had a good reason to cry.

But this time that reason was not sadness or disappointment, this time it was a stronger feeling that he never used to have.

The anger.

It was anger. An anger that was born of helplessness and frustration. From the hopeless feeling and belief that he could never be able to live in peace again. And that feeling, that anger, was the only feeling that 001 needed Will to feel.

Because it is from the anger that revenge is born. And 001 wanted revenge so badly.

Will finally realized why he had been feeling so strange and chased since he left the shed. His thoughts were not only his anymore, and someone was provoking, taunting him to feel that way.

Because 001 had an advantage knowing what Will was thinking. But that connection was also a disadvantage to him since Will could also know what he was thinking and feeling, so he needed Will to be by his side or… to be dead.

Will tried to fight that feeling so hard, to seek comfort. But how could he? If he was just crying alone on the floor of the bathroom.

Perhaps the only way to get distraught from Henry was to not be alone, at least until the anger was gone. That’s how Will wiped his tears away and left the bathroom.

But when he saw everyone in the living room, he reconsidered his decision. How would he explain his teary eyes to everyone in the room?

No, it was definitely better not to go there, so instead he went to the kitchen and, not having a better idea, he grabbed a plate, an onion and a knife. At least Mike’s stupid excuse would be useful this time.

He carefully began to chop the onion as he could hear some footsteps heading for the kitchen. He wondered if those were from El or Jonathan, as he kept pretending to cook.

- Hey… - Will heard.

He suddenly stopped cutting the onion and froze. It was definitely not El, nor Jonathan.

- What are you doing? - Mike asked.

Mike, whose voice got deep into Will’s mind as fast as it could never before. The voice of the one person 001 was chasing so hard.

The one person who, somehow, always managed to save El and Will from him. The one who always figured out how to defeat Henry and how to survive. The one who always ruined his plans. Again, and again.

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