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As I was thinking about all this things, I heard a knock on the door. I went on the first floor and opened the door. Right away, my heart froze. It was...
- Evelyn...
- Listen, I know you're mad, but I'm going to explain everything. Can I please stay at your place, with you?
- You, broke me, like one of your fucking promises. You were such a big part of my life and you're just gone now and I just miss the time actually meant something to you. And a thing I really wish is to have the power to ignore you like you ignore me, but I don't. Kristen, go on the second floor in the living room. We're coming in couple minutes.
After she leaved, I turned to Evelyn.
- Explain please.

Evelyn's POV:

I explained to him everything, except the fact I was pregnant with Lucas baby. A silvery tear dropped out of his golden eyes, on his cold cheek. I gently placed my hand on his cheek and caressed it. I pressed my forehead to his.
- I am so sorry...
- No problem, baby...
He grabbed me by my waist and pressed my body to his. The only problem there was that was that my cut was still fragile and when it touched Gabriel's strong body, a splatting pain invaded my stomach, causing me to moan, frow and fall to the ground. He knelt down on his knee and put his heavy arm around my body, for support.
- Babe?
- I'm, I got up and looked at Gabriel, fine ... I'm fine! Let's go ...
I'm convinced he suspects me, but I couldn't tell him. I went to our room and lay on the bed. The cut suddenly started to hurt so bad. Gabriel entered the room smiling.
- Hi baby...
- Technically we aren't together...
- But I forgive you, so we can be.
I smiled, even if the pain was burning. Gabriel put his hands around my waisting his finger touching my cut. I gasped in the stabbing pain of the cut. Gabriel realized and got up.
- Evelyn, I already know...
- What the f- .... What do you know?
- That something is going on... Tell me...
I sighed and showed him my seam.
- As you know, cause I told you, Lucas was forcing me to do sexual stuff with him... After few days... I became pregnant. With HIS baby. I got rid of it, cause I didn't want his baby. Maybe yours, but not this ugly motherfucker's kid. I'm sorry...
He froze in shock. What's next now?

Gabriel's POV:

I wasn't mad at Evelyn. Surely, it wasn't her fault... But this jerk she's talking about. I'm going to kill him. I looked at Evelyn in the eyes. I made a decision.
- It's ok Evelyn...You should rest now. I have some...work to deal with.
She smiled and she childishly wrapped herself in a blanket. I kissed her on the forehead and leaved. I went to my office and grabbed some guns. I'm not taking my words back... I'm killing this guy. I called Zack and asked him to find his location. I didn't tell him why, just to do it.
I got his address and went there. He's too easy prey for an experienced hunter. He was desperately looking, calling Evelyn's name. He just discovered that Evelyn leaved? Amateur...
Luckily, there was a window. I shot trough the window, the bullet shooting him as well. I grinned and leaved quickly. I got home and took a fast shower. I didn't want any "Luke blood" on me. After putting some new clothes I went where Evelyn was sleeping and gently, I lay down on the bed.
I got away with my deed for a few days, being undiscovered, but...

Evelyn's POV:

I was going to college. The first classes were pretty boring. Then, we got to lunch.
  - Come right here, Lisa! I'll kill you for this! shouted Marybeth clearly upset or even annoyed while talking on the phone.
I wasn't really listening what she was saying. I was feeling really dizzy... Right then, Lisa came. Marybeth was ready to punch her hard, but Lisa raised her hand and shacked her head in disapproval
- You can hit me later, this is important. Evelyn? You need to see  this...
She showed me a video of a man dressed in black killing some guy. The man was pretty tall, or maybe that is only what the angle was making me to think, the guy also had short slightly wavy dark hair. He looked like Gabriel.
And as they say " Bright minds think the same", then Lisa spoke:
- The man kinds looks like Gabriel, from high-school....
My head was burning, my throat was so dry I couldn't speak and my legs felt like they were melting. I couldn't think about Gabriel or the guy being killed. I felt like I was dying myself. Next thing I knew I was laying on the ground, unable to speak or open my eyes.

Gabriel's POV:

I was pretty confused. Evelyn wasn't very good when she leaved from home. I was in my office. I had a lot of work to do, but I couldn't think of anything else.  I tried planning the next mission, but I kept messing up everything...I just couldn't focus!

Evelyn's POV:

I woke up in a small room with white walls. I looked around, then realized I was in the nurse's office. The nurse came in with a little notebook in her hands. She looked at me and smiled  sightly.
   - Hi sweetie! Are you feeling better? Your friends brought you here. You should really go home. Do you have anyone to call?
    - Yes... Uhm... Can you please give me  your phone?
     - Sure sweetheart!
  I typed Gabriel's number and then called.
    " - Gabriel? "I said in a trembling voice.
" -Evelyn?"answered Gabriel. His voice was concerned and it wasn't hard discovering that." What's wrong? "
" - I need you to pick me up, if you don't mind of course...
- It's everything alright?
- I'm just not feeling very well...
- I'm arriving in 5 minutes.
- Drive safe..."
I sighed while deleting the number from the nurse's phone.

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