Once the door opened significantly enough, Michael threw the flashbang in, its pin clinging on the floor harmlessly. A second later, the grenade went off, the deafening noise reaching everybody outside. It wasn't bad, but for the Terrans, it was a little disorienting.

Which is what the grenade was made for.

The 4 Marines quickly entered the room, guns at the read. Michael put his SMG down, "Oh... it's clear." The other 3 marines joined him, pointing their guns in a rest position. Jordi stepped forward. 

"This is it!" he steps over to a console, tapping it, "Just as the records and what the old blueprints say." He began to touch it, looking around and checking all the situations. "Its off... Uhh..."

Michael steps forward to Jordi, everybody else getting in the room, looking around, "What is it?"

"Well, there's no power, but!" he pulls out his notebook, and shows the tower, "There is a power source located somewhere at the base of the tower. If we can this on, we can get this Console working which, if I remember correctly," he starts flipping the pages, carefully, "Aha... it starts controlling Signal Recording."

"Signal recording?" Questioned Michael, Skadi joined, looking at the Console.

"Sounds, its useful but..." Irene sighed looking out the door and back towards the stairs, "We got to get the power on... right?"


the 3 Marines gave a thumbs up, alongside the inquisitors. The marine that assisted in the breaching and clearing earlier, smiled, "Don't worry about it, we'll take care of it, shouldn't be that hard, right?"

The 5 exited the room, heading for the base of the the building. Irene didn't look so good, and Specter noticed. "What's wrong little birdie?" Irene held her head, as if she was sensing something horrible. Steadying herself, she waved off the shark. 

"Nothing... nothing... it's... nothing."

Outside, the sounds of LAVs and Hellfire rockets were the primary sound of fire support that was ringing throughout the entire. Inquisitor Dario, alongside some other Inquisitors, had gotten their lanterns out and activated them.

The bushmasters rang out again, focusing on the strongest appearing Seaborne that were causing problems for some Inquisitors that moved to make some melee attacks. At the sight of the lanterns, or perhaps its effects, the Seaborne backed away from the units.

A few marines got injured by the ranged attacks some of the floating Seaborne, which they will forever complain about.

Smokton on the M240B was reloading it, lifting its cover and was about to get a fresh belt of ammo on it, when she noticed somebody approaching from the water. "Hey Inquisitor Dario!" she calls out, pointing in the rough direction. Gladiia was next to look, finishing her cutting down of a Seaborne.

Her eyes began to glare, while Ulpianus readies himself. Smokton slaps down the cover on the gun "A new seaborne?" she aimed the sights of the gun right on him. Gladiia shook her head, hopping on the LAV while it was firing endlessly at a group off.

"He does look like he is seaborne, but look at his appearance." Smokton looked more closely, her eyes off the sights of the gun as she began to look at him. She noticed that the creature had what looked like the armor of a knight from the days of yore. He had a weapon that vaguely looked like a spear. And he was riding on a creature that vaguely represented a Horse.

The LAV had not taken notice, but Gladiia has. "Skadi has told of us that familiar scent. Kazimierz, that's where he is from."

"That a country here?" Smokton questioned, watching him approach the group. The Marines had not taken notice of him, and neither has the inquisitors on the ground. Due to the fact that he was approaching from an angle that was not a conflict zone, he was not seen by the forces battling it out with the Seaborne.

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