Chapter One: One Gem Army

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"Yes, you are! I've been waiting a long time for this; I almost can't contain my excitement to destroy you two into pieces..." She said, referring to Garnet and Pearl, which slightly offended Amethyst. Spinel was surprise to see another gem, she was sure she had not seen them before, but her hatred was for the fusion and especially the treacherous Pearl.

"Hey what about me!?" Yelled Amethyst at the magenta gem, who just chuckled at her.

"I need one of you alive... Who is gonna' deliver my message to the "oh so powerful" Rose Quartz?" She responded, as she twirled her scythe around to show off.

"Listen, we don't have to do this... We couldn't have known that you were left stranded-" Before Garnet could finish her statement, Spinel cut her off.

"One of you did know..." She said in a low voice. Her eyes had started to spiral as she looked directly at Pearl which prompted the others to do the same. Pearl didn't say anything and looked away in shame. Garnet had a neutral expression but that didn't mean that she wasn't at a loss for words, as for Amethyst, she had even more questions know.

"What is she talking about Pearl?" The youngest gem asked, not really catching on to what Spinel had said. Pearl didn't know what to do, she just kept looking away.

"I'll spill it out for ya', she wasn't just a renegade Pearl, she was the renegade Pearl, she was Pink Diamonds Pearl, she knew of me, she knew I was there and then she went on to shatt-"

"ENOUGH!" Yelled Pearl, she couldn't handle it anymore.

"I didn't think you were still up there and I'm sorry, I had forgotten about you... but we needed to take Pink out, she was going to destroy this planet, so please reconsider-"

"So, you forgot about me then? That's... That's something... That's even worse than just leaving me there to rot knowingly! You left me there for more than a thousand years floating in tha' middle of space! And you know what? Maybe she should have Destroyed this junk of rock, I would've been with my diamond happily by her side, instead I gotta' live here in forest knowing that I can never be with her again!" She finished as she dashed towards the thin gem. Spinel swung her Scythe with all her might, but Pearl was quick enough to raise her spear and block the attack, even so the strength of their clash sent her flying back, colliding with a wooden structure.

Garnet quickly intervenes and tries to get a hit on the hooded gem, but they are too agile and ends up dodging all of them. Amethyst steps in to help Garnet, she swings her whip towards Spinel, grabbing one of her limbs and tries to pull her away. She manages to move her only a few feet in her direction before Spinel starts to spin wildly like a tornado, lifting the other off her feet and quickly throwing the smaller gem towards the sky. She then shapes her legs in the form of springs to chase the purple gem.

Garnet quickly aims upwards with one of her gauntlets and fires in their direction, but before her gauntlet got to far from her, she grabs on to it with her other hand to get to Spinel before she could catch up to Amethyst. She makes it just in time, right before Spinel was about to grab Amethyst and manages to get a hit from the back on the hooded gem. This launched the other further into the sky, leaving them midair. Garnet took this opportunity to grab Amethyst and land back down.

As they landed, they quickly made their way and regrouped with Pearl on the ground.

"She is a lot stronger than she looks." Said Amethyst, as she looked at the Sky once more, she could still see the gem up there, but it was just a pinkish dot, just barely visible. Suddenly the dot got larger, at first, they thought that she was falling but then they realized that she had made her fist gigantic and was about to fall on them.

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