A Flash of Inspiration

Depuis le début

Jack: Listen, what do you want to do? More importantly, why do you want it to be special?

He asked as Y/N sat in his place, thinking of a reason as to why he needs to this performance. Is it for self-satisfaction? Accomplishment? Showcasing his talent?

Y/N: I want...

He said as the two other Kamen Riders were waiting for his resolve.

Y/N: I want for them to have fun. Singing in front of a crowd may be nerve wrecking, but Jiro and the others are going to do it. This isn't me being selfish or anything, but I want them to know that even with villains lurking around, I want them to still have fun, worrying nothing about how fun the school festival is. How heroes and us as a Kamen Rider are here to protect them and let them know that we aren't going anywhere.

He said with firm resolve as it hit him, on how will he make his special performance a complete success.

Y/N: Guys, I know how I can pull it off, and I'm going to need your help.

He said as he looked at the two as the other two riders smiled and nodded.

Senkai: What's the plan?

Night came as the students were now back at the dorms, practicing their parts at the class performance in the school festival.

Bakugo: You're too fast. Follow my beat!

Denki: I'm not! You changed the song and confused me.

Both Denki and Bakugo argued as the stage effect team was drinking tea after what they have done today.

Momo: Jiro. You're an expert leader. You thought Kaminari who knows nothing about music how to perform with cords within the week.

Jiro: I didn't do that much.

She said as she took noticed at the tea.

Jiro: The tea smells fragrant.

Momo: Can you tell? My mom sent me this tea. It's called Gold Tips Imperial Black Tea. Would everyone like to try it?

She asked as the others agreed to try others just didn't get it. Jiro looked around the room as everyone was present except for one.

Jiro: Hey, where's Y/N?

Momo: Well, after he got back, he just rushed in the elevator and in to his room. He was quite in a hurry, wonder what happened.

Jiro: Probably about his performance, it's stressing him lately. Guess I should have just persuaded him to join in our band. I think it's my fault that he had to bare that problem.

Momo: Don't worry, I'm sure he'll figure it out .

Jiro: Yeah, I hope so too.

She said as the H/C haired teen was in his room, sorting out some disc as he was labelling it with Kamen Rider names.

Earlier that Day...

Y/N was at his old house with Jack, Senkai, and Kado visiting his old house was very surreal, although, the repercussions that the school has placed them, his house is being managed by Sougo.

Sougo: So, why are you here Y/N? It's been a while and yes your house is still in tact.

Y/N: That's pretty funny, I thought it would be burned down by one of your silly antics.

Sougo: Well...

He paused as Y/N sighed and just let it be, hoping that whatever damage that he or at this point his friends did, just replaced the fixing cost of his house.

Y/N: Okay, the reason that I am here is that, I want you in my performance at the school festival.

Sougo: Performance? You know that you can transform into me, remember?

Y/N: I know, but this is different.

He said as he showed him a hologram disc as he placed it at the coffee table.

Y/N: I'm taking about digitally, what this thing does is record your physical appearance, at this case, Kamen Rider Zi-O, and saves it as a model.

He explained as Sougo was still puzzled by this.

Y/N: I want everyone to know that the Kamen Riders were the ones that helped the heroes protect the world, and I want you guys to be a part of it. I owe it to you and the other pass riders my quirk, and I want to give you the recognition during my performance.

He said he looked at his friends and senior as well as Sougo, as he smiled and nodded.

Sougo: Alright! I'll do it!

Jack: Count us in!

Senkai: Well, it ain't cheating if we're helping you digitally.

Kado: This is gonna be a blast!

Y/N: Thank you, everyone! Now, let's get to work!

Back to the present...

As he was finishing up labelling the disc, he looked at his computer as presses a key on his keyboard, the walls started to change as it transitioned into a soundproof room, not wanting to let the others know what he is doing as he presses another key as the a beat was slowly being heard only to him.

Y/N: At first I thought I was alone in this journey in being a Kamen Rider, but I was wrong, I made friends along my journey, even though my quirk will be gone, I don't want to think that I will be a burden to them as I will try my best to help them in any way I can.

He thought as he was singing some of the parts of the song in his paper as he was smiling.

Y/N: I know that my quirk will be gone after the incident with Eri, but I don't blame her, it was my actions that had led me to my problem, but I'll focus on it another time. For now, it's all about making Eri smile.

He thought was the beat was slowly building up as he was smiling, knowing that he had found the idea for his performance and it was inspired by the will of making everyone happy, as well as being a Kamen Rider.

"Now, Over "Quartzer!""

The Heisei Hero (Male!Kamen Rider x BNHA)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant