Chapter 2😜

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Summary: You and miss Thornhill are growing closer to eachother (wink wink)

Tw/cw: swearing

You awake to the sound of your alarm.
"Ugh 7am is too early" you say to yourself. You get up and ready then look at your schedule for the day.
"Hmm I wonder who my botanical sciences teacher is" you think as you follow your classmates. You enter the conservatory, it's just as beautiful as when you last saw it. You spot and empty seat at the back.
"Perfect" you think. You go sit down, praying no one will sit next to you. Much to your dismay a small blond haired girl sits next to you.
"Hiii! I'm Enid! Are you new? What's your name?" She asks enthusiastically.
"I uhm I-" just as you were about to answer everyone goes quiet.
"Hello class!" Says a familiar voice.

You look up to see none other then miss Thornhill.
"Today we will be reviewing our work on venus fly traps" she continues. Everyone starts moving around, getting into their groups, you just sit there.
"Y/n, come here and I'll slot you into a group"
Your teacher says. You walk over there, a light blush creeping across your face.
"Do you know anyone in here dear?" She asked
"Y/n?" Her voice snaps you back to reality.
"I- uhm, no I don't" you say quietly.
"I'll have her in my group!!" Enid yells
"Would you like to work with Enid" she says softly.
"Sure" you say

"Alright class, that's all for today" miss Thornhill exclaims roughly 40 minutes later. "Y/n can you stay back?" I nod.
The bell goes and everyone rushes out of the classroom.
You walk up to miss Thornhill.
"I can tell you're uncomfortable" she says. "Just know that if you ever need ANYTHING I will be here <3" I stay silent. "Hey.. are you ok?" She asks, sounding genuinely concerned. "Yeah..I'm fine" I say. She raises an eyebrow.
"It's just.. I don't know anyone and the schools so big and it's so overwhelming and- and-" I can feel a warm tear streaming down my face. "And I'm lonely." Suddenly I feel her arms around me.
"Hey, hey, it's ok sweetie. I'm here" she says in a soothing voice. I hug her back.
"Thank you" I say through my tears.
"Hey, can I tell you something?" She asked, pulling away from our warm embrace.
"Sure" I say back, slightly sad the hug ended.
"I sometimes feel lonely aswell." She said cautiously.
"You do??" I say. "But you have HEAPS of friends."
"I may have friends but I'm left out. They go off and do magical things and I'm stuck here. Alone."
"I- if you'd like, I can hang out with you." I say not knowing big I had overstepped or not.
"Really?" She says, her face lifting.
"Of course!" I exclaim.
"Thank you y/n, it really means a lot" she says while pulling you in for another embrace.
"It's no problem" you say softly.

You lie on your bed, thinking about what happened early that day.
"What if she likes me? No, that's stupid. She a teacher and you're a student. Plus for all I know she could have a partner."
This internal battle went on for ages and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

Marilyn ThornhillWhere stories live. Discover now