Chapter one

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Preview: you joined nevermore and met a certain teacher

Tw/cw: swearing,

Italic (example) are your thoughts

Y/N's POV:

"Get your ass ready right now" you heard your mum yelling from downstairs. "We're leaving in 5 minutes, you know we can't be late."
You roll your eyes.
"Yeah, I know mum, I'm up."


Ever since you were little you knew you were different. No normal person could levitate things with their mind. Your father hated you for it. He was jealous of your abilities. When you turned 10 he had enough of it and left. (you're 15 btw). Your mother workes 2 jobs just to make ends meet. One day when she was researching your powers she came across a website for a school named 'nevermore'. She looked into it more and found out it was a school for people like you. Your mother contacted the principal and asked to meet to discuss your schooling. (That's what's happening now)

Present time

You get dressed and run downstairs.
"What took you so long?" Your mum asks
"I just slept in, that's all" you say back.
*30 minutes later (you're pulling into the schools parking lot)*
"Ok, make sure you're in your best behavior" your mum says sternly.
"Yes mum"
You both walk into the main office and are directed to principal weems' office.
*knock knock knock*
"Come in" you hear a sweet voice chime
"So you must be y/n?" The blond women says to you
"Y- yes" you stagger.
"Take a seat, both of you" she says
"We don't normally take students mid term"
She states. My mothers face drops.
"Buttt" she continues. "Seeing as y/n is doing so well in school we decided to make an exception!"
*you and your mother swap smiles*
"Come back next week to drop y/n off!" She says to your mother

*One Week Later*

You've always been the (very) introverted type of person. You hated having powers at your old school because everyone would pay attention to you. You hope that now you're not the odd one out. (Side note: you have very bad social anxiety and hate confrontation).
"Bye sweetie" you hear your mother say as she drives off. You walk into principal weems' office. *she takes you around the school for a tour* "And this is our conservatory!" She exclaims. You look around in awe at all the plants. "This is where you'll take your botanical science class" she states.
*she tours you around more until you finally make it to your dorm*

"This is your home for the next 19 weeks" she says. "You don't currently have a roommate because  you joined so late in the year."
"Yesss I won't have to interact with someone each time I go into my room" you say to yourself .
Principal weems leaves you on your own so you can get settled in.

Ten minutes later

As you're putting the last book on your bookshelf you hear a knock at your door.
"Come in" you say in a shaky tone.
The door opens to reveal a women with bright orange hair and cute round glasses. You instantly fall in love with her.
"Hello! You must be y/n" she says in an almost sing song voice. You nod.
"Well I'm miss Thornhill, your dorm mum." You nod again. You make eye contact with her and you can feel yourself turning red. "Are you alright?" She asked, concerned.
"Y- yeah, I'm fine" you mutter
"Okie dokie" she says. "Well if you need anything just let me know" she says before leaving the room.
"Shit dude. What's wrong with me??? Liking a teacher?? What the fuck"


You get changed into your pajamas, ready for bed. You lay down, under the covers and try to sleep but you can't stop thinking about miss Thornhill.

Marilyn ThornhillWhere stories live. Discover now