Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 2

Start from the beginning

I looked up at the news choppers and signaled for them to land. The journalists came running out as I spoke to them. I explained who the two were and what I was doing facing off against AFO. "I was correcting yet another of Ass Mights failings. He failed to stop the villain years ago and it cost him his life at the USJ. I on the other hand did not fail. I refuse to revive the villain because if I it puts the rest of you in jeopardy yet again as no prison can hold him. Now will the UA staff please return to Musutafu alongside the WWPC to finish fulfilling a promise I made to a little boy? Good. I'll help deal with the possible wounded here before i make my way there. Peace out." I said as I walked off to the wrecked buildings looking for any wounded. I was able to save roughly 3000 people and heal them all. Once finished I left to head to Musutafu and await the returning students and WWPC.

An hour later they all came driving down the road to the cemetery. I smiled brightly as the buses stopped and the harem members came rushing out to meet me. "Izuku! We were so worried when Ocha said you dove into that portal after rescuing her." Yelled Momo as she tackled me go the ground. The rest of the girls surrounded me as I hugged Momo. I smiled at them. "Why worry? Hehe unless Sephiroth comes to Earth I'm literally unkillable. Well i mean barring me letting my parents kill me or suicide I suppose hehehe." Momo hopped off of me and they helped me up. Eri jumped out of Mitsuki's arms abd hugged me. "You used the old man again. I havent seen you use your summons since the day after you beat birdy overhaul." I chuckled and spoke with them all until the WWPC van pulled up. I smiled as Kota and the pussycats got out and came over to me. "Well Kota and members of the WWPC fancy meeting you here. Hehe. Oh yeah. I already dug up their coffins so if everyone will follow me it's time to bring Waterhose back to this world."

We head to theur graves and using quake I lift their coffins out of the ground. After opening their coffins I can clearly see their bodies inside. I smile and using my revive magic I return the both of them to the living world. The wwpc and Kota having never seen the magic nor thought it was possible to truly bring the duo back to life watched in awe as the the magic glowed and within seconds waterhose has been brought back to life. The wwpc kota and the duo wrre in tears huggibg one another. I smiled as I watched on with the harem and Eri beside me. Everyone had teary eyes at the miracle i had just performed. After a few moments I was placed before the pair and explained everything. They thanked me a million times especially after hearing how I saved Kota and arrested the villain Muscular. Kota was in tears as Eri walked up and hugged him making everyone ooh and aww. After he had settled down Kota thanked me and told me he was beyond thankful for fulfilling his wish.

"Kota never forget that you have so many people standing with you to help you through life. I've seen how that despair affects someone. How could I stand by and let you suffer when I had the power to grant this wish? You and your family are all very welcome as I am glad I could do this for you all." His parebts thanked me and told me they owe me their lives. "In that case all I ask is you raise Kota to become strong and to know he is always loved by you. Other than that you do not owe me anything. I'm just happy to have been aboe to help." This surprised them as they would have thought id make demands of them all. I simply smiled at then and said. "I would not feel right asking you to do anything for me for. I have no desire to become arrogant and selfish. My one desire is to help everyone I can. All that matters is you all being a hapoy healthy family. Although I do have one request of Kota. Do not allow that hate and despair to fill your heart. Yes this world is cruel young Kota. But never let what comes harm you so. Please try to get along with your parents and the wwpc who took care of you when they didn't have to. Learn to smile again and soon you'll be brought back from the dark path you were headed down." Kota smiled as he wept from happiness at my simple requests. "I-I'll do it Izuku. I promise. I will make up for how i acted towards my cousin and her team. I was rude and mean when I had no reason to hate them. They spent months taking care of me and trying to help me but I refused to see it. Never again will I treat them that way. Thats a promise!" Mandaly smiled proudly for Kota. "I will hold you to that little cousin. Always remember we love you and we hold no hate for how you were. Its understandable considering the ordeal you went through. We all held no grudge or dislike for you and we never will."

An hour later the wwpc and waterhose had left and we made the ride to UA. Once we reached the dorms my parents, Rei, and Fuyumi were smiling brightly and hugged the life out of me. Everyone was happy and proud that I did what I did for Kota. My parents smiled as they saw how much light had returned to my eyes as over half of them were brightly lit. "We're so happy that you girls have helped bring back so much light to Izuku. The 10 of you have brought him so much happiness and joy back in his heart. Hehe especially the 4 wives hehe." Said dad as he smiled. Mom was teary eyed as she looked on with pride. "Izuku is far better off now than he would have been if we stayed hidden in society. Without the events of the USJ as horrible as they were his life would never have taken the turn it has. I may only be his adopted mother but by God as my witnesd Cloud and I love him just as much as if he was our real son. He and Eri have never been this happy in all the time we have known them. Its obvious that from here on out this world is going to see that no one no matter their situation or status can become important to this world. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart." I wept a bit listening to the praise my parents gave us all. "My sperm and egg donor may have been my biological parents but you both are my real parents. Without the two of you id have died long ago unable to get this chance to become so sttong and so happy. Without my wives I'd never have had the chance for my eyes to regain their vibrant emerald lights once again. Thank you everyone."

A few hours later we all laid down and went to bed. To my surprise the dorms had been modified while we were away. The top floor was all for myself and my harem. Gotta say I didnt mind this one bit. As that made it easier on us all. I smiled as we all laid down to get some sleep. My last thoughts before sleep embraced me were truly happy ones for the first time in a very long time.

A few weeks have passed since that time and it was now time for the first years to take the provisional license exam thanks for Nezu and I pulling some strings to allow first years in all hero schools the opportunity to take said exam in the hopes of increasing the number of heroes capable of fighting villains and saving civilians. Hopefully with this we can save a lot more lives overall.

Luckily everyone in both hero courses were able to increase not only their quirks and powers but their minds as well. I have the utmost faith that the majority if not all 40 students would gain their provisional licenses due to our efforts. We still did not tell any of them abiut the UA crushing as that would test their ability to change on the fly and hopefully teach them that no matter how well planned you have a strategy that sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances your well devised plan could fail. So hopefully these students can adapt to new situations in a dime.

Whew chapter done. Now to figure out the rest of the story. Meh ill pull something out my ass in the end. Uhh maybe.

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