Business party..

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Next day..

Park's mansion was with full of gigglings and laughing sounds.
Jimin was running so cutely holding a photo frame with him. And taehyung was chasing him to catch his little mochi.

Mrs.park was looking at his son's with lovely eyes. While doing some work in her kitchen..'

"Catch me if you can tae... jimin said in cute voice. And taehyung loved his cute side a lot.

aish chimmy please give me that frame back.. tae was whinning at him but the shorter was not listening his words at all

"Kids come here we have to talk.." jimin's father climbing down from steps while looking at jimin and v..'
then they're both stopped playing and came towards their dad and standing infront of him..'

His dad said to sit infront of him. Which they're both quietly sat like obedient kids.

"What dad.? Jimin asked him.

Kids tomorrow I had big business party which so many rich people are attending to that party along with their family, So you two should come with us. His dad said while sipping his coffee which Mrs.park offered to her hubby.

Jimin sighed heavily while looking at taehyung.

No.. appa.. taehyung screamed at his appa..' actually I want to go shopping..' how can I come to that party..? Taehyung said with pouty lips.

Finally thank you dad..' for saving me.. he was literally killing me for taking shopping's with him. I'm so tired dad so I'm with you. jimin said and quickly Satup from couch and went towards his dad in cute way and sat beside him. and hug him like small baby.
His father and Mrs.park chuckles at their childishness.
His father was caressing his hair in lovely way. Taehyung also satup from couch and went towards his dad and sat beside him and burried his face on his chest and acting like a small boy.'

Appa see how he's making fun of me..' taehyung showing his long fingers at jimin.
Which the smaller one just stick out of his tongue and making him more fun.

Jimin's father laughed loudly..' which jimin and taehyung calm down their childishness aside and laughed along with his father.

My dear beautiful boys..' don't get into fight..' and you little one don't make fun of my tae tae..' and tae.. he will come to shopping with you day after Tomorrow ok..' his father said while giving pecks on their foreheads..' both boys hearts filled with happiness when his father showed love on them..'

"Ok.. appa..' they're both said at same time while giving beautiful smiles.
His father smiled at them..' and put his both hands on either side of their both shoulders..'

"You gave kisses only for your kids..? Then what about me..? Mrs.park said while pouting her lips.

Three members giggled at his mom and wife cuteness..'
aww my dear..' how can I forget you.? Mr. park sat up from couch and went towards his wife and kissed on her chubby cheeks..'
she immediately hits on his chest and blushes shyly..'
'Darling kids are here..' I said normally..'
"You have to think it before when you're asked me..' mr.park said while smiling..'

a..appa..' we're going.. you guys caryon..' taehyung said while dragging jimin somewhere..'
enjoy mom and dad..' tae and jimin screamed at them and went to their rooms.

Yaah.. you little kids..' his mom shouted at them. And later he saw his hubby face and smiled at him..'

"Like that parks family always filled with happiness"
Present Jin was in Namjoon's penthouse. They're both are missed eachother presence so badly..' so Jin went to namjoon penthouse. when he saw Jin beautiful face and gorgeous body when he wore cute outfit.,Namjoon can't control himself. So they're both did make out session.'

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